Best drive for O/S, apps & games?

24 Jun 2004
Im after a new main drive that can offer better performance than I am currently getting.

I will put my current 120gb drive in the 2nd slot, and am hoping for the new drive to be between 250-300gb to have plenty of space for everything to go onto the main drive, with music, photos on the 2nd drive.

What would be the best drive for me to get? Im put off by Maxtors with quite a few issues, but am after a quiet drive at the same time.
So everyone recommends me the Hitachi range of drives. Should I just go and buy, or will they be releasing new, revised drives soon? Also, how silent are the drives?
If Seagate is the only one to have utilised the 133gb platters, then does this mean it is the more quieter & faster drive available?
Western Digital Caviar Special Edition 320GB 3200JD SATA 8MB Cache - OEM (HD-045-WD.

How would this fair against the Seagate? It appears to be good value for money, but havnt heard of anyone here actually owning one which is never a good thing. Also it says they have a special SATA cable just for thw WD drives, does the statement they provide for this cable true?
So basically, I will have to choose between noise or performance? Is there much of a speed decrease between the 250gb drives and the 300-320gb?
So is everyone saying that any of the Hitachi drives are the best to go for, both in terms of speed & performance? Or any type of sizes to avoid etc?
Right, I think from that I have made my mind up that the Hitachi drives range is the best to go for, from both this thread & another kind of duplicate post from someone else. I think what I will do is buy that drive and have as the main one for OS, games & apps, with the current IDE 120gb drive as the 2nd and have that as an MP3 & anything else storage drive. Would people recommend I configure my system this way?
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