Best Dual HDD setup

10 Nov 2006
I have two sata hdds of different size and I've read it's best to have the OS +games on one (smallest cap)and everything else you wish to store on the other(largest) is there any performance benefit to this? What is the negative performance hit ,if any, with having the OS on one and games on the other without any raid setup.
As far as a am aware of, there is no performance threat. With the OS being on one and other apps on the other. The performance may increase a little due to the fact that they are on seperate drives.

Having a raid 0 installation would improve data rates, and you would notice that applications load at least twice as fast but you need to have identical drives for this.
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a lot of people seem to do it if they have a faster drive in their system, for instance a Raptor (great for your OS due to fast seek/access times), compared to a large 500GB drive (slower access times, but cheaper, more space and suitable sustained transfer rates for day to day operations).

If you have two drives that are quite close in comparison, it may only really be worth it to keep a drive from becoming cluttered. Defragmenting would also take longer if that's something you consider doing on a regular basis.

Due to games not relying on Windows registry files, you could also reformat your operating system without having to re-install your games, theorectically speaking.
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