Best enterprise AV....

My vote for Sophos as just done a recent deployment and very smooth easy to use.

Keep away from Avast! Just finish a deployment with that and it was a pain from start to finish.
Turns out I couldn't install over the top with a new policy. I had to initiate a remote uninstall yesterday and then tell everyone to shutdown when they went home and then this morning pushed out v5 from a new server with correct policy in place. From a new installation nod32 would be alright i think. I prefer the interface to mcafee as it is not web based and the client is definitely better at doing its job than mcafee. But the way in which the client is deployed could do with some work imo.
I still maintain that when it comes to management and deployment nothing comes close to McAfee EPO. Pity the products being deployed are not on the same level.
I don't know about big deployments but our little <40 man set of offices are happily running on Avast EPPS, and I'm using the Small business admin panel, although there's an alternate enterprise level admin panel.
Moved from Sophos to FEP as part of our SCCM2012 setup last year. Seems to do a good job and uses less system resources than Sophos.

Only thing i don't like is the way automatic deployment rules for the FEP definitions works as you end up with a horribly long list of expired ones, is there a way to set this up so that it automatically cleans those up anyone?
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