Best External Hard Drive for £150?

22 Mar 2006
Hey all,
A friend of mine is a wedding photographer and he has been thinking bout buying an external hard drive to back all of his wedding photos.
He has £150 to spend and is basically looking for the best model he can get for his budget.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I would buy an ICY BOX and your ATA drive of choice. Probably cheaper than the all-in-one external drives. Seagate have a good rep for reliability.

I would not rely on a hard disk for long-term backup though, I would make an additional copy onto DVDs at least.
There will be copies of all the albums on CD but the external hard drive is for backup.
Also the reason for external drive is to allow for mobility. Hook it up to a laptop for example to show couples there photos rather than take them upstairs into the bedroom PC
400gig WD MyBook, no doubt about it. They're very good value, well made and not much more than the internal versions. (500gig is cheaper than internal :) )
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