Best / Fastest hard drive for game rig?

3 Aug 2003
Is it still the Raptor and is one particular size the better than another for a striped RAID0 setup?

Purely for a gaming rig by the way

While 15K SCSI or SAS drives will give blistering performance it comes at a price. The drives themselves make Raptors look like the bargain of the century - 147Gb will set you back in the region of £400. Then you'll still need a controller, either 8x PCIe or PCI-X so you'll need a mobo to suit as well. Again they don't come cheap, another £200 if you just want RAID0/1, £4-500 if you want SAS or RAID5.

Second hand is always an option but it's still not cheap.
I've just replaced (well not that long ago) my MoBo for an Intel Badaxe (rev 1.0)
and both PCi-e slots are already in use with the 1950's...

So in reading the above I assume it's back to the raptors
You may find that some of the 500gb hard drives will have a faster read speed than a raptor, purely due to data density.
Get a couple of the WD 500aaks drives in raid 0, will be faster than a single raptor and same sort of price as a 150gb one
I think this answer always depends on how many games you currently have - and what type of games less importantly. Also if you want to back up your games.

If you have 30GB of games then what's the point in getting two 250GB (+) drives in RAID.

Just don't see the point myself. Sure it saves money, but it more than often gives more space you won't use and if you do use it, you'll need to back it up cause it's in RAID (talking 0 here) anyway.

If you can stand the noise, a raptor in a system is always a nice thing to have, imo.
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