Best FPS's to buy?

Call of Duty Deluxe*
Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault*
Command and Conquer: Renegade
Deus Ex*
Deus Ex: The Invisible War
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Painkiller & Battle out of Hell
Tribes: Vengeance (not sure why this hasn't got more publicity)
Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam Gold
Unreal Anthology (comes out 04/08/06)
Halflife 2: Episode 1*
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way

* = must play
DanMc07 said:
Idont find the fear storyline all that great....
It more than makes up for that with guns, mor guns and lots of explosions and coolness ;)
who cares if it doesnt have a story, I don't ;)
DanMc07 said:
Idont find the fear storyline all that great....

i have to agree, it soon becomes a bit boring with all those corridors.
condemned is another great FPS and its built on the FEAR engine, just runs better and the game is good too, i didnt get bored with this one.
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