Best Gaming Mouse ?

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
Out of the following what would you choose,

1. Logitech Cordless G7 Gaming-Grade Laser Mouse £46.94

2. Logitech G5 Gaming-Grade Laser Mouse £37.54

3. Razer Diamondback Plasma 1600dpi Gaming Mouse Limited Edition £35.19

4. Razer Copperhead Anarchy Red 2000dpi High Precision Gaming Mouse £46.94
thanks for the great feedback guys, hopefully this will help others that are also in a quandry as to which high end gaming mouse to purchase :)

Aidoscuz said:
Razer Copperhead here - great mouse. Feels really nice to me, it's smaller than the G5/G7 so you control it with your fingers rather than your whole hand. The G5/G7/Copperhead all perform pretty much exactly the same so it really just comes down to whichever shape you prefer.

cheers, the shape is exactly what I was worried about, your comment "it's smaller than the G5/G7 so you control it with your fingers rather than your whole hand" has won me over, my current mouse is fairly light and I do like controling it with my fingers rather than using my whole hand which is what I did'nt like about the MX1000 when I gave it a go.

Also found this comment on another forum about the Razer Copperhead

"The Copperhead is a finger mouse, that is you hold it with your fingers instead of your whole hand. For half a day of using it yesterday, i really like it more than the MX510. You can also put your whole hand on it but then you loose some of the precision. With the Copperhead half of the hand is on the mouse, but your palm is on the desk "

So it looks like it comes down to the fact of whether you like a *finger mouse* (Razer) or a *hand mouse* (Logitech).

I'm gonna for the Razer Copperhead, finger mouse f t w :)
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