Best HD for under £50?

6 Jan 2003
My main desktop machine only needs a small fast but reliable HD as all my stuff is stored on my WHS machine.

I'm reluctant to go SSD due to lifespan, however my 2 Seagate 7200.11's have now died and i'm back to an old but reliable WD drive.

My motherboard only supports SATA2 so can't utilise 6Gb drives unless I get a controller which as i'm on a budget i'm reluctant to do.

So my choices as I see it are as follows :

Any thoughts on what's best?
How much is there between the WD blue and F3? My 2 7200.11's are still under warranty so i'm running the seatools long test to check them although they both throw up SMART errors in HD Tune Pro. So although i'll RMA them I don't want them back in a system drive. Might keep them for my WHS box though.
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