Best Heist/Con/Plan Films

markyp23 said:
Haha, MI?

Seen it and I can't remember the story line - that the one with the virus, or is that M:I2?


The first MI is the best in the series, by a long long way...

I'd have to give a vote to "Escape from Alcatraz" though. :)
Bound (sort of)
Hackers (maybe)
Thomas Crown Affair (either version)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

As for TV shows the obvious ones are Hustle and, of course, the A-Team :D
The Sting
The Italian Job (original)
Kelly's Heroes :cool:
The First Great Train Robbery
Thunderbolt & Lightfoot
rhymin said:
Prison Break is cool for those who love it when a plan comes together

I used to watch that a couple of weeks, but I got very bored with it. I watched it again 3 months later, and basically they got to the next building. Bit of a "slow-motion" prison escape if you ask me....
saw Kelly's heros a while back and liked it quite a bit, its basically a story of some US soldiers just after the normandy invasion they find and interrogate a german officer who gives away the location of some gold stolen by the nazi's and hidden in france. The soldiers decide to go after the gold and get rich simple! :)
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