Best iPhone Case

29 Mar 2007
Hi Guys,

Dads looking for a case for his new iPhone 3g, he wants something that covers the whole phone including the screen. Not too fussed about a belt clip but would like the case to offer some protection - Ive mentioned the hard cases but that was soon shot out so thats the only avenue that he doesnt want to go down.

Cheers Guys
I use a invisible shield by Zagg. OK not a case as such but offers excellent prtection against scratches without adding any bulk to the phone.
Well just watched the video and it certainly does look good, what was it like to put on? Looks rather fiddley, Also can you tell theres a protector on the screen?

All protectors on the screen ive used before (On PDA's etc) you could tell theres one on
it was a royal pain in the ... :D A friend bought one recently and they seem to have changed the design so its a bit simpler to put on now, front and back is easy enough to align its the little tabs that wrap round the top and sides that are tricky.

The film has a slight orange peel effect when viewed from an angle, but tbh I don't notice it, I think I would notice scratches more so I live with it.
Thought it might be! :D LOL

That is very true about noticing the scratches more, when your using it face on, if you get me, can you notice any difference? Reason being i dont really want to hinder the screen quality as its such a superb screen.
tbh I don't notice it, but then there are no bubbles or wrinkles, I've seen some done (badly) and you can see the protector. I'd say its nothing like the protectors I've had on pdas over the years where you can obviously see it.

It might be worth just trying one, they come in at about 15 quid on the highstreet. If you do make sure you give yourself plenty of time to apply the cover, do it somewhere very clean (I did it in a laboratory and still got a spec of dust under the screen cover!!!) and make sure your not going to need your phone for a good few hours in order for the solution to dry off.

I should say I'm pretty amazed by this film, its great having a phone as shiny as an iphone and being able to chuck it in your pocket with keys etc without having to worry about it.
Yer ive found them on the bay for around 15 quid as well. Certainly looks worth a try because of how good it looks.
Any ideas as to whats in the solution? Presumably its just soapy water? Did it not leave any marks? Ive just watched an install video and they seem to spray a fair amount of it!
TBH, he wants a SwitchEasy Capsule Rebel,

Wicked cases, dont really add bulk, but protects the phone where it needs to be protected, edges, back, & of course the screen.

You can pick them up for approx £20, I have one and love it.

Also, can get them on the famous auction site.
I opted for an Incase Slider and an anti-glare film protector for the screen.

Both are excellent and protect the phone well, only problem is that as I don't have an Apple dock (I have a funky black one with a blue light on the back :p) then I have to take the entire case off to dock it rather than just the little bottom bit.

This is good though as it means any dust and stuff that gets into the case is cleaned off on a daily basis and the case is really easy to remove (but is very secure and toight when actually on) :)
SwitchEasy Capsule Rebel does look pretty cool, I certainly would have considered it when I got my iphone but I think I'll going stick with my shield as it adds no bulk what so ever.
I've got bother the Rebel and the Neo. The neo is definitely the better case. It's got full hard side protection and also the bottom is much firmer where it goes around the dock connector.

Sena leather case - snug fit and it seems to clean the screen every time I pull it in and out of the case.
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