Best keyboard for gaming?

10 Mar 2006
Northern Ireland
Ok I know there are a lot of keyboards out their made for gaming, like the zBoard and the Wolfclaw Gaming Keyboard, but what is the best over all?

I love the look of the Cyber Snipa Game Pad so getting that would rule out the above stated keyboards, but is it as good as it looks? I would idealy love a keyboard that has good build quality of course, but also looks the part.

What would you recomend?
does it have to be wireless, i have the saitek illuminated keybaord, which has lit keys for late night gaming or working in the dark. It is very nice and very easy to use. all the keys are the exact right size and so it the keyboard, some can be quite large and if your using a try thing under your desk like me, you can be stuck for space.

The logitech g15 i think it was called keyabord looked really nice aswell, however it is very long.

hope this helps
The saitek eclipse is supurb. Theres none of those pointless media keys either. All the keys are really easy to press, it isnt loud at all, and its pretty damn cheap if you ask me :)
benjo said:
The saitek eclipse is supurb. Theres none of those pointless media keys either. All the keys are really easy to press, it isnt loud at all, and its pretty damn cheap if you ask me :)
theyre not pointless lol. i own a G15 and i have found it for the same price as the Eclipse from a competitors site, the key stroke is nicer than the Eclipse so you can type quicker. you get an LCD display which can be used for all manner of things with all the plugins that have been designed and you get all the G keys. they really come in handy if you play mmos or have admin on a server of some kind.
For me the SpeedLink Ultra SL-6465 Flat Metal Keyboard (KB-000-SL)
is perfect.
Got from OcUk just before xmas so its had a damn good testing.
Hardcore gaming abuse and massive amounts of spammage have come out this board. ;)

In use the weight makes it very stable with the rubber grommits doing there job perfectly. The keys are laptop style but not totally flat. Your fingers can fly across the board without catching the edges of the keys like you do on high profiled keys. The amount of pressure needed for activation is just right and i never miss a key.
Instal was a breeze with the speed keys needing No assigning. Literally plug and play.
All in all a great set of keys and for 25quid a bargain in my opinion.
naffa said:
theyre not pointless lol. i own a G15 and i have found it for the same price as the Eclipse from a competitors site, the key stroke is nicer than the Eclipse so you can type quicker. you get an LCD display which can be used for all manner of things with all the plugins that have been designed and you get all the G keys. they really come in handy if you play mmos or have admin on a server of some kind.

When i said media keys, i didnt mean customizable shortcuts. I meant things like "Calculator", "Search", "Favourites", "My Computer", "Outlook express".

And when did i say anything about the G15, you've started to slate the eclipse as if i compared the two :confused:
benjo said:
When i said media keys, i didnt mean customizable shortcuts. I meant things like "Calculator", "Search", "Favourites", "My Computer", "Outlook express".

And when did i say anything about the G15, you've started to slate the eclipse as if i compared the two :confused:
hmmm.. where did i 'slate' the eclipse.. i said you dont get a keyboard with 'useless' media keys and i own one which has them. i mentioned the G keys but that wasnt related to your quote. all i said replying to you as that they wernt useless.
A vote for the Logitech G15 here. Bought mine about a month ago and find myself wondering what i did before G keys. Loving the LCD too, means i can take away part of the Displays on screen like health, scores etc and use them on the LCD leaving a cleaner screen with more viewability.

I've got the K1 but it is a bit pricey.

It's based on a Cherry keyboard so the keys are nice and clicky but the feel of the keys does take quite a bit of getting used to moving from a Saitek Eclipse.

The Eclipse, for me, has been one of the best for the price though.
I would say the eclipse also personally i think any keyboard with the old school layout with directions seperate and the 6 command buttons above and the light on the eclipse is a big bonus.
I vote for the Eclipse too. If i had more skills i'd mod the control pad into the side of my case so i could punch in a code to start the computer. That would be :cool: As it is, it's pretty useless. Does anybody use it?
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