Even though crysis is 3 was out well before all the 'next gen' stuff started coming out , is it still the best looking game on pc or do you guys think there are better looking games out now ?
The Witcher 2 hit the spot for me, perfect blend of amazing quality graphics and epic art design.
Witcher 2/Tomb Raider and Metro Last Light tick my boxes
Just Cause 2 was and still is stunning IMO.
Theme Hospital.
Nobody a fan of Bioshock Infinite?
OR Farcry 3?
I've just started playing it and i came in to post the same. It's a gorgeous looking game. A couple of times I've thought it looks a bit bland but other times I've been blown away. Also, the city just feels so alive.
Mods can change almost anything about the game
Here's mine modded, although there are some far better examples out there
£9.99 on steam bud, gives you access to the steam workshop as well
you can do insane things with Skyrim, hence why its hands down the best looking game on Pc.
Some of my best work
and even right down to the character modelling
I think you need the mods from here to get those graphics
I think you need the mods from here to get those graphics
I'm using a sweet fx preset called realistic on watch dogs. It's the most impressed I've been with a PC game to date tbh. Can post some screenies next time I get a shot on it.
see a lot of votes for the witcher 2, i've got it in my steam collection, but havent even got round to installing it yet, played witcher 1 for a couple of hours and just couldnt get into the control set up. is witcher 2 that different when it comes to combat?