Best looking pc game ?

Nobody a fan of Bioshock Infinite?


OR Farcry 3?


They both look incredible on pc ! Had them both for ps3 both decent games :)
I've just started playing it and i came in to post the same. It's a gorgeous looking game. A couple of times I've thought it looks a bit bland but other times I've been blown away. Also, the city just feels so alive.

How long do you think it will be before it's working on amd cards properly ? Still can't decide wether to get it or not !

Had a little go on last light ... Wow, the attention to detail in that game is unreal ...
Mods can change almost anything about the game

Here's mine modded, although there are some far better examples out there







Jesus ! That looks immense .. Do the mods cost or is it just a case of downloading a file and adding it into the folder yourself ?

Just finished downloading tomb raider that I got free with my second card , that has to be up there it looks amazing
see a lot of votes for the witcher 2, i've got it in my steam collection, but havent even got round to installing it yet, played witcher 1 for a couple of hours and just couldnt get into the control set up. is witcher 2 that different when it comes to combat?

Never played the first but got the 2nd played a couple of hours, looks like it's gonna be amazing but you need to set aside quite a bit of time to play it !
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