Best mATX conroe capable board for sensible money

5 May 2006

I've done a search but nothing conclusive came out of it.
What is the best microATX conroe capable board I can buy at the moment for up to about 70 quid. I can only wait about 2 weeks maximum so has to be something "out there" now.

I was looking at the ASUS P5VD2-MX, i know its VIA chipset but it seems to tick other boxes ok. I'd be looking to put an E6300 in it.



Agreed that board looks nice but 91 quid is a push for me at the moment :/

Something i'm not really "up" on is board chipsets. What should i be looking for? 965? 945? What are the main differences?
WJA96, you're dead right. It does make no sense. I need to decide whether i'm building a performance machine or not and if so then i'll need to pay performance money.

Aside from the newer 965 boards that Asrock Conroe G945-DVI seems to do quite well and is not much money. Problem i see is with low FSB though as i'd be looking to mate it with an E6300.

oh "bother"

So in that case theres very little point paying the 90 quid for the asus when the asrock does the same job for 50?

I suppose we need to wait and see some benchies and see what that fsb will do in reality.
Yeah. I reckon i'll get the Asrock conrore 945 for now and then change boards in the future when they actually bring out a good one! It's not dear and you ca always sell it on for 20-25 quid.
No, I want it all :D

On a serious note, the decent motherboards will come i'm sure. In my case though I'm just putting myself under a time pressure. I will be buying the asrock it looks like and then swapping it in for a new proven board.

Everyone wants something for nothing ;)
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