Best Mouse Mat and help with wireless devices

27 Jul 2012

I'm looking for a mouse mat that won't slowly rip its thread apart and something that is easily cleanable..

I was interested in the Vespula because it looked really nice and offered wrist protection however some reviews say that it isn't durable, and I've heard this with a lot of RAZER products..

What mouse mat would be best for something that doesn't get ruined easily and offers wrist protection?

What wireless mouse is best for gaming & ergonomical shape? I want to use it as a little less gaming mouse and more internet surfing/general use mouse..

I'm thinking of edging towards the the logitech G700s?

also thinking of getting a decent wireless gaming/just normal keyboard.

If you want wrist protection for your evil table how about the xfx warpad, personally think its great and had it over a year now, as for the wireless devices im not really sure, ive got a standard keyboard and mouse, do me grand for websurfing and gaming, however I also have a keysonic wireless keyboard with a built in tracker pad, effectively a laptop keyboard/trackerpad, been using these for years, great for sitting back and browsing.
Do you really need wrist protection? I find it just gets in the way of movement.
If youre able to reconsider then the Steelseries 4HD / 9HD are absolute beauties.
If so, then theres no need to go with Razer. Some people say their razer product is fine, and some say its trash. Im in the trash side as ive had hardware just die on me. Obviously you may not stumble across problems. I hear their stitching wears on the edges and their hard pads discolour and peals away.
Ive had my 4HD for years without an issue. Tracks as well as it did from day 1

For the Razer Goliathus, i did own one and it was fine for me, i do prefer hard pads though as soft ones seems to move quite a bit. 4HD grips solidly to desks. Another thing to be aware of.
If so, then theres no need to go with Razer. Some people say their razer product is fine, and some say its trash. Im in the trash side as ive had hardware just die on me. Obviously you may not stumble across problems. I hear their stitching wears on the edges and their hard pads discolour and peals away.
Ive had my 4HD for years without an issue. Tracks as well as it did from day 1

For the Razer Goliathus, i did own one and it was fine for me, i do prefer hard pads though as soft ones seems to move quite a bit. 4HD grips solidly to desks. Another thing to be aware of.

I've looked up and read that the goliathus has been revised and the edges are extremely thick (see here -

it is actually quite considerably thicker than the 4D. It is also cheaper than the 4D.

What do you think? I want something to go with a future G700 and all black is preferred (maybe the QcK series?).

I'll be matching up with the Razer Blackwidow Ultimate keyboard so I am concerned about aesthetics...

I can actually use my table desktop just as fine as it is solid oak and is really sturdy anyway,
I own that goliathus and though it may be thicker. Tracking is no where near as good as the 4HD, surprisingly, the 4hd is rougher but my razer imperator 4g glides smoother on it and it stays where i position it. The goliathus moves where ever it wants.
Actually, the thickness is also something i dont like.

QcK is again, cloth. Not as good as the 4HD in terms of tracking and grip.

The 4HD / 9HD is basically all black, with the steelseries logo on it in dark grey.

Why the Razer Blackwidow Ultimate? For the same price, you could pick up better boards.

EDIT: Also, you say all black is preffered. The strong green on the goliathus may be too much as well.
The main reasons I don't want the 4HD is that it has that grey pattern, where as I'd prefer it complete matte black. It is also over priced from the reviews I see.

The blackwidow ultimate is because it's firstly; mechanical, LEDs (lol) and from the reviews I've read it's apparantly a very solid piece from Razer and should be a lot more durable than they're other products? It looks better than other boards which is also important but what other board would you say is much better?

What about the Rzr vespula? It has a thick edge, looks good and offers wrist support? or the goliathus extended control ed?
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Well if you're all about aesthetics then razer would be a good choice for you.
I understand the black widow is mechanical and has LEDs but actually, people have problems with the most basic things being the keys being made too big and having to be filed down.
Corsair K70, K95, Ducky shine series, ducky zeros with leds, the entire cm range, mionix zibal 60, qpad mk80, qpad mk85, the list goes on for better boards than the black widow. You're paying for the logo on it. I wouldn't say it looks better then other boards. It may be glossy but will have smudges on 24/7. LEDs are on all other boards so I can't see how it looks better. Also made fully from plastic where as some are now incorporating aluminium into the structure.

At the end of the day, it's your money that's spent. If you only care about aesthetics then to with razer. Some of their products to looks quite nice.

The 4HD may be expensive compared to the razer products but its performance will show you why.

Also, the vespula is exactly the pad that has the problem with paint flaking. I get the impression that you just want razer products as both the goliathus and vespula have less black than the 4hd, sporting either a vibrant green or light grey. Whereas the 4hd has a dark grey pattern.

EDIT: typing on iphone which is terrible for this site. Can't edit text without the whole page jumping up and down. Android will be next.
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The blackwidow ultimate 2013 ed is revised and is complete matte black (only gloss part is the logo on the bottom)

which is better, the corsair k70 (130) or the k90 (110), as for keyboards i don't mind if it doesnt have acklits its the looks that matter, what otherkeyboards look real nice?

are there any wireless mechanical keyboards out there? also do you think there are any better mice than the logitech g700 (heard really good things about logitech and the mouse seems excellent for me)

is there an 'extended' version of the 4HD? for my entire desk preferably ;P
Ah the new blackwidow. Id completely forgot about that one. Did a price check and its £120.
Id stay away from the Corsair K90. Not all keys use cherry mx switches. What you want to look at from the Corsair range are the new ones, the K70 and K95. The K70 and K95 look much better than the plastic blackwidow. They have aluminium fronts and raised switches. What is unique about the look from Corsair boards are that because they have raised switches, the LEDs actually emit a glow under the keys so the whole channel of aluminium lights up.
Good example here:

If youre looking for some green in your mech keyboard then the Mionix Zibal 60 is a good choice. It is advertised as a rage proof board (obviously enough for us regular people, maybe not the standard physcos)

The entire Coolermaster Quickfire range looks extremely nice as well, light grey tone can fool some people from far to see it as metal. Comes in ten key less (no num pad) aswell.

Now for my favourites, the Ducky shines and zeros. These may look basic but because of that, they really do look nice.

Dont be fooled by how basic these look. They come in a variety of LED colours as well, they are bright as hell, they may as well blind you on full brightness. Yellow, purple, white, red, you name it. They come with some nice LED features as well. These are a bit more expensive though, they range at about £170.

Id seriously doubt anyone would make or buy a wireless mech keyboard. With a mouse, i can just about understand since its always moving, but as a keyboard is stationary, i really dont see the advantages to having no cable but having to replace batteries etc. Power cutting out during gun fights is definitely not something you want.

The G700 is a very good mouse, my friend owns one and it really seems to perform well. I cant comment on logitechs new gen of mice but from their older series, they were all superb. The old G300 and G500 were very good mice. There may be better mice but i dont see a need to go better than the G700. In all seriousness, id say stick with a wired mouse but it is your choice. If you are willing to think about it, pop another reply and ill list some.

There is a larger version of the 4HD which is the 9HD but no way big enough for your desk. What you can do is look at this
Its made from the guys who run this forum and many people sport this. Large enough to cover desks. You could slap on a 4HD / 9HD onto the mat as well if you dont like the texture much. It is matte black as well with a logo on the bottom right.
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Holy ****. I wish all ****ing posts looked like that ^

I'm guessing the first image is the K95? If so, I want that one! :P

I would never 'rage' at any of my equipment.. the most I get is slightly frustrated when it comes to PC gaming.

I took some pictures of my desk to see what would be best, although I'll be moving my PC under my desk it's pretty minimalistic compared to most (well at least my friends cluttered desks). These pics area iPod quality mind you xD:

Sure go ahead and entertain me with some wired mice.. it's just my sharkoon fireglider is a very nice mouse and it has everything I need (2.4k DPI, thumb buttons and treble fire which is all I need really for FPS/browser viewing) and it's extremely cheap and still performs out of the box.

Also when it comes to these new keyboards and mice I really want to say, spend a bit of cash now and forget about them for the next 2-5 years buddy, so extreme reliability and easy-to maintain keyboards/mices. I HATE it when I get a stain on the keyboard/dirt goes under the keys.
I take it thats a positive.

Yes it is. And its a very good piece of kit. Only £10 more than the blackwidow. Corsair customer support is second to none so at the unlikely chance of your board having a break down, theyll sort it out. Missing any keys or want spares? Theyll send you some for free. Brilliant CS.

Its more of a gimmick that they use to attract more people. Still, good to know that atleast theyve tested it.

Am i seeing a curve to your desk? If so, that OCUK mat may look strange. However, you could always cut it since i believe it is foam and with some marking out, it should look quite nice if im honest.

Its getting late and I have a ton of editing I need to do so ill give you a nice list tomorrow, how does that sound?

With mechanical keyboard, you can forget about the worry. Theyll last for years without a doubt. Dirt going under the keys isnt a problem with mechs, the caps pop off easily and you just clean it all up.
Yeah that's a curve on my desk.

I've realized most extended mats would look awkward and well... I might as well show my desk so I'll stick with the hmm 4D? (are there any better mats than the 4D though?)

Alright, a list tomorrow sounds good as well.

I look forward to that list ;P

ALSO: Read on brightsideofnews that the K95 attracts dust easily??? They also gave the K95 a.. really critical review compared to most other mainly positive websites.

"To conclude nitpicking, yes, given the dominance of the black surface of the peripheral, it gets dirty and dusty like crazy, and some keys are not uniformly lit "
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Theyre not really there to compete with each other, but are actually aimed at specific gamers. K70 is "aimed" at FPS gamers. See how i typed "aimed" at? Really, it doesnt make a difference between the two. K70 has NO macros but comes with contoured red keycaps (WASD and 1 - 6) with a blue or red backlight. K95 comes with macros and has a white backlight. I believe Corsair will or do sell the contoured keycaps so its either a matter of what you think looks best, or whether or not you want that many macros.

I would be extremely surprised if a keyboard attracted dust more easily than others. Id assume its their testing environment and / or the colour of the keyboard that may seem it gathers more dust.
I gave it a quick read and the problems look as though they are faults with the keyboard. Which actually isnt a bad thing because of Corsair excellent RMA. Thats the first negative ive seen on the entire internet of the board so im sure its a one off.
Ask around here, many people own either the K70 or K95 (and love it!).

Now for the mice. Ive got a couple for you, if you dont fancy any of them, theres always more but these would be my top choice.

Thought it may seem to be a downgrade, the Logitech G500 is an excellent mouse. Low price, ergonomic design. You cant go wrong with it. Its weighted as well so you can choose how heavy you want it to be. I have MANY friends who absolutely adore this mouse so its definitely worth looking at.

Even though many others and myself pick on Razer sometimes, the Deathadder (Not the 2013 edition, the older one) is extremely popular for its reliability and performance. Many clan mates of mine have had theirs for years with no problems.

Check out Zowie mice. A lot of so called "pros" use their range of mice, EVO range i believe. Simplistic look to it all but are definitely good performers.

Steelseries Sensei are pretty popular. I was going to pick one up but no stock stopped me so I picked something else up. They also have RGB LEDs which is quite nice, seeing as not many mice incorporate it into theirs.

I dont know a whole bunch about Roccat, never once looked at their peripherals but they are worth a look. Many people use their mice and keyboards so i wouldnt be surprised if they had good things to offer.

Corsair released a new range of mice so theyre worth a look as well. Havent read up on how they perform though.
I agree with the G700s, it looks nearly identical in shape to my performance mx so it should be excellent for long gaming sessions.

I also have a Rat 9 and while not exactly as comfortable as the performance, is surprisingly comfortable while looking like a futuristic torture device.
Yeah, didnt mention in my post. The G700 is great as well. I couldnt buy it for myself as it was too chunky for me, as im a claw player. Just found it hard to hold. Not saying everyone who plays claw will!
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