Best Music For Different Situations.

furnace said:
(Off Topic) Same bike as me in your sig... has yours broken, yet? :p

ha, no, had it 4 years , still works, in fact im off out on it in 1 hour for a 40 mile ride.

i am getting a new one though. this one i have is too heavy , and i like the 07 frames on sale now.
Ah, lucky you! I was riding uphill and the chain pinged off, it properly bent the front mech and buckled the chainring! Shoddy or what! I'm out riding on it tomorrow, too :eek: Will have to bring a tool kit with me just in case :p

(back on topic)
hmm i listen to anything in any situation really , something really "bouncy" or noisy always cheers me up if im down though

oh and erol alkans mixmag cd always is a good driving cd

if you want to end up in a ditch :o
Hessian said:
I have both albums so maybe I'll try that, not sure about the whole "walking" part, can I drive in the rain instead? :P

William said:

Getting wet and realising how small you are in comparison to the elements is part of the whole experience :p
That is so weird. I swear on my life I didn't steal any quote. I know you probably won't believe as there really is an amazing similarity. But I promise you, I wouldn't steal a quote form Bash, that would just be a bit pathetic.
hehe nope, if I did steal it I would own up to it because it's so similar there's hardly anyway I could deny it, but I know I'm telling the truth and I stand by it :P
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