Oh but come on, wasn't the final chase in Most Wanted so much fun? Loved MW to bits, I played it like 4 times over and still didnt get the pink slip of #13s Supra - It was the one I REALLY wanted.
It was a very flawed game with the Rubberband AI, and the fact that SUV's would appear instantaneously but you also had the ability to produce some insane chases. Yes it was stupidly repetitive though and the final reward car was a pos. I found the PC version godawful to play with regarding the OTT AI, the 360 version was a lot more bearable and I actually managed to finish it.It amazes me how many people liked Most wanted. I hated it after getting into the top 5 of the most wanted list. It was so tedious and repetitive, constantly having to get chased by cops just got so old. Underground 1 and 2 were far better imo. Of the new ones I personally think Prostreet was best.
I know this is going to be unpopular...Pro street.
Porsche Unleashed/2000 has to be #1.... great tracks, great cars (mmmm, , great handling, good 'Evolution' (career) mode, effective damage model (in that it penalises you for crashes, but not overly so). For a 9 year old game the graphics are also acceptable.
The best in modern years is probably Most Wanted.
GRID ;D not a nfs but better ;P
Porsche Unleashed/2000 has to be #1.... great tracks, great cars (mmmm, '78 911 turbo with level4 upgrade!), great handling, good 'Evolution' (career) mode, effective damage model (in that it penalises you for crashes, but not overly so). For a 9 year old game the graphics are also acceptable.
The best in modern years is probably Most Wanted.
Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
Been downhill from there.