Best of British Summer - WIN Amazing Prizes!

WTF now all my posts are gone again, wtf?!?!?! :( :confused:

Ive got an email with your entry (some reason I get emails every time someone has been posted up) and when I looked, it wasnt there.

EDIT: And I noticed my link to the OCUK store isnt on my entry when it was before the first sentence.

TBH, good comp, but the execution of the entries is badddd.
I know its promoting Vortez as well, but if the forum system is like that, it should have been done on OCUK forums.
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Yeah, when you submit a post in that thread it automatically subscribes you to the thread.

The execution of entries/posts isn't just "bad", it is TERRIBLE! :p :o

Would explain why there aren't many entries........

Did you get that message (the image I posted above) when you posted your review? And if you did, how long did it take till it actually got posted?

I have left a message for the OP of that thread, but he hasn't been on since I posted the message, doubt anything will happen anyway :(
Nexus18; the reason your post didn't go up was due to the moderation.... we have a system of moderating all new posts that include a hyperlink within it to prevent human spammers from going crazy on the forums. Those spammers who manage to slip through the net after reg, have, in times past littered the forums with spam links to all sorts of unsavoury websites.

This moderation disappears after so x amount of posts... spammers don't tend to hang around for this long ;)

Anyway this 'TERRIBLE' system as you describe it is as a consequence of being targeted by spammers. It's a preventative measure, other forums have a similar method of keeping these folk out and its something that has to be kept in place. For regulars this isn't an issue.

It does explain as soon as you post a reply to wait for moderation so I'm not sure why you send it through another 3/4 times...!!

We're currently deciding on a winner. We will announce this soon! :)
Right guys - I've extended this phase of the competition as a goodwill gesture since there have been a few who have had difficulties in getting their review up.

Auto-moderation for new members who post URL in their post has been disabled also.

T345's email account appeared this is why he was unable to sign up. We've sorted him out now.

Good luck guys!

Thanks for getting back to me :)

Yeah I know what you mean (personally haven't encountered any of those kind of security "gates" on any other forums apart from XDA, I don't think it had anything against hyperlinks though, just attachments (it is awful for newbies :o :(), but as I stated in my PM/visitor message to you I didn't think it would take a day and for the other submissions more than a day or 2 to check my post out :p (IIRC only had like 3 or 4 hyperlinks as well), could understand if you were getting loads of reviews through.

And then there was the problem with both of the posts that did get through being deleted, so I submitted it again.

Anyway, thanks for getting that sorted and the extra time, shall repost my review again now :p :)

Would have loved to have won this but I think I know who is going to win :(


BTW that message goes too quickly as well! :p

Only just managed to catch it before it returned me back to the previous page, I might just be a slow reader though! :o :p
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Thanks for getting back to me :)

Yeah I know what you mean (personally haven't encountered any of those kind of security "gates" on any other forums apart from XDA, I don't think it had anything against hyperlinks though, just attachments (it is awful for newbies :o :(), but as I stated in my PM/visitor message to you I didn't think it would take a day and in the other submissions more than a day or 2 to check my post out :p (IIRC only had like 3 or 4 hyperlinks as well), could understand if you were getting loads of reviews through.

And then there was the problem with both of the posts that did get through being deleted, so I submitted it again.

Anyway, thanks for getting that sorted, shall repost my review again now :p :)

Would have loved to have won this but I think I know who is going to win :(

Actually I will come last :(
Yay! My review went through instantly! :D

Couldn't decide as to which review to post, was going to post my Bitfenix Raider review but it was like 1000 characters too long and I couldn't really delete anything and also the photos weren't good enough for quality :( So went with the deathadder review and have adjusted a few things.

Thanks for turning that checker/moderation thing off mishima :)
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Congratulations to martian_aphid for winning the second stage! :)

Details for 3rd round are up!

Start: August 6th 2012
Ends: Winner announced on August 20th 2012
Prize Prolimatech GENESIS CPU Cooler + 3x Alu Vortex Fans + 2011 Mounting Kit.

POST A PICTURE – Entrants must post a photograph of the Vortez/Overclockers UK logos in a random place of their choice. Examples: work/office/on holiday, great outdoors etc. Best picture will be selected as a winner. (Extra points for originality/humour). Pictures can be posted on:

Vortez Facebook wall
Vortez Twitter
Vortez Forums
Overclockers UK Forums
Just so you all know round 3 has been extended till Sunday 26th August! - Not many entries so far so if you enter you have an extremely high chance of winning! :)

All you have to do is take a photo of the OcUK and Vortez logo in a random place, the best photo wins!

Make sure it is posted either here, on the Vortez Facebook wall or the Vortez Twitter, or forums!

Good luck! :)
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