Best of TopGear Tonight 9:00pm BBC2

Triad2000 said:
Sorry to hi-jack this one, but what is that awful TV show in the week with 'celebrities' firing cars like cannons? Nice to see our license fee being put to good use....

Stars in fast cars? That program really needs to die in the face.
Missed it. Same with Rail Cop's too. Just finished.

Cant wit for the new series of Top Gear to start.

I wonder if they will change the reasonably priced car.

Whats your vote?

Mines a Fiesta RS. Might not be cheap but would be fun to see celebs racing around in one :D
Petrolheads is usually pap but last week when Murray Walker was on it was amazing. I watched eagarly this weekend forgetting that last week it was only funny cos Murray was on. Awesome, I wish Murray was a team captain. I really miss him on the GP commentary. :(
Dr Who said:
sky+ set to record... ps dont tell sky I got sky here, it cost me £3k for a 4.2m dish..



4.2m is 4.2million right? :eek:

How did u manage to get that :eek:
andi said:
I think he meant meters ;)

Ant there me thinking hes made a huge saving or helped steel it from an amy base :p :o

I cant help but laugh at myself from that :o
yup 4.2 meters...

Like jodrell bank on the side of my house...


Guess I missed the end then unless sky changed the times

burbleflop said:
Bugger, I meant to set the Sky+ box before heading out to the airport. Oh well, at least I'm not missing new material.

you can text it now I think.... if you forget to set your box you can send a text message to it and tell it to record... scary!! :D
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