Best place to get 3D prints.

29 Dec 2005
Hey all,

I am looking to get something 3D printed from Thingiverse and I was looking for recommendations on who/where to approach?

I have checked out Lancaster3D and the price seems reasonable, except they charge £8 to set up an account. I cannot imagine I will be using their services enough to justify the cost.

I have heard a lot about varying quality of materials used and I wanted to find out who might be best to approach for small prints.

The 3D print is a stand for the Retrotink 5x, unfortunately the person who made and sells these doesn't ship to the UK but was kind enough to post on thingiverse for others.


Looks like a simple enough print. I'll have a look when I get home from work but I'd say I'll be happy to print that for you if you just cover some postage costs.
Hey Andy,

Thank you - That is very generous. If you are happy to print, I will happily cover the cost and money for a pint :D.

Hey Andy,

Thank you - That is very generous. If you are happy to print, I will happily cover the cost and money for a pint :D.


Just had a look now I'm home and definitely no issue with printing that. Any particular colour you prefer? I have carbon black which is somewhat similar to the colour in the thingiverse pictures.
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