best portable wireless mouse for macbook

19 Jan 2006
London, UK
Am on the look out for a portable mouse to use with my macbook.
Have used a couple of my mate's mouse with my macbook but they just didnt feel right. The movement wasn't as smooth as id like and the scrolling was a bit slow.
Do you use a portable mouse for your mac? If so which one?

It also has to be wireless.
How about the wireless mighty mouse, best thing about it is that it doesn't need a dongle (bluetooth), and looks cool, but the wheel isnt that great, right clicking can be a pain and it can be laggy, even unusable if something else is using bluetooth too.
I'll be getting a Wireless Mighty mouse with mine next week, probably not that portable mind you.

What ones have you tried round your mates?
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Would the Logitech Revolution VX work on a Mac ?

I am asking because I would like to get one of these mice for use with my current laptop, but I will also be getting a Macbook in about a month and would be better if I could just move the mouse between the two.
I have the wireless mighty mouse which uses the laser and it great!

No problems at all, only problem ive had it a bit of grit got stuck under the wheel, swift blow and it wa gone!

Awesome battery life, ive had mine for 2 months and its only gone down in battery by a fifth!!! This is with maybe 5 hours at least a day!

Great features, the side buttons are extremely handy for the expose!

The right click i have found to be very good!

No problems with signal at all with my macbook pro.


I have used:
Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 4000
and a cheap labtec one.

The microsoft one feels really good but both the vertical and horizontal scroll were abit slow, and movement was slightly jerky.

The Logitech Revolution VX looks pretty good, anyone using it?

I do like the might mouse but it is a bit big for it to be portable.

cheapest i can find logitech one for is £31.58, is it cheaper elsewhere?
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I have been using a Logitech V500 for ~ 7 months, and it's been fine, and still on it's original batteries.

Scroll "pad" takes a bit of getting used to.
ive got a Microsoft blue tooth mouse works a treat.

i would definitely suggest a bluetooth mouse... they work better than other wireless ones with dongles. no intermittent working.. it just works
I've got a Logitech V270. It's Bluetooth so no dongle to carry around or waste a USB port. Works well, has a good weight to it and I'm on my second set of batteries in 12 months.
I have a very love/hate relationship with my Mighty Mouse, most of the time I like it but sometimes I wish it just had two buttons and a scroll wheel instead of the 2-in-1 button and cloggy (but cleanable!) scroll ball :p
MagicBoy said:
I've got a Logitech V270. It's Bluetooth so no dongle to carry around or waste a USB port. Works well, has a good weight to it and I'm on my second set of batteries in 12 months.
Seconding this option. Got a refurbished one cheap (<£20), been great. Excellent mouse, love the Bluetooth - I hate things sticking out the side of my laptop.
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