best price to ratio sata 2 drive?

Probably the WD 500gb drive on This Week Only, other than that maybe a 250gb Maxtor* but it is a bit of an odd question, you have the same access to prices as anyone else so you just need to compare capacity to price. If you want the best drive for a given quality that is more significant in normal terms (e.g. fastest, quietest or most reliable) then you will need to specify which of the attributes is most important to you. :)

*250gb-320gb hard drives seem to be the price 'sweet spot' at the moment and the Maxtor is the cheapest here.
theres very little in it between the different make of drives atm, and the sweet spot is either 250 or 320, but personaly I'd spend a bit more to get a better drive rather than go for the best £/Gb
For the past 8 months or so 320GB drives have been at the best price point. First the IDE 3200JB and then the 3200KS from WD really brought down the price/gigabyte in the market, now the WD5000KS 500GB drive.

I think over the next few months we'll see 500GB to be the sweet spot for HDD value - the release of new 500GB-1TB drives from Maxtor, Hitatchi and Seagate should really bring the price down to the kind of territory that 250GB drives were this time last year.
That drive is a Maxtor so I'd avoid it. If you look about the forums there are too many stories of failed Maxtors for my liking.

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