Best program to test for HD ERRORS?

24 Feb 2004
Hi guys

i am having a lot of problems trying to identify the reason for "blue screen" i am getting lately.

i have tested the ram with mtest86 for 5 hours but no errors, and have tried different ram, but still no luck.

so i have come to the conclusion, that it must be the hd. i have a 74gig raptor and have used western digital own HD utility to check for HD errors, but it reports back nothing? Now i don't trust it so wanted to know if there is a better program to check for errors?
what was the error in bsod?

hi there mate, unfortunately it does not stay on long enough for me to read it, all i know is that somewhere towards the bottom it says it has the world physical memory in it.

sorry know its not much help.

but i did reinstall windows, and the problem continued, having said that i did install all the drivers i did again.

maybe it was the nvida drivers that i installed for the firewall?

Are you overclocked at all? What's your CPU temps like? I kinda doubt it's the hdd offhand, but anything's possible. Even if you're not overclocking, try substantially underclocking your CPU/Mobo for a while and see if that makes a difference. To thoroughly test your hdd use the manufacturers diagnostic. Note however if the rest of your PC is dodgy then the diagnostic program might also be affected by the dodgyness possibly leading you to incorrectly conclude it is the hard drive. So, ideally you should test the hard drive (with the diagnostic cd) in another PC that is known to be fine. Note also that a thorough low level test with a diagnostic tool is usually destructive, so make sure you backup your data before you start.
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If you are getting a blue screen of death (B.S.O.D) on boot up, you can use F8 this will give you the options page for safe mode, safe mode with networking etc. Look down to option number 9 and you will see Disable Restart On System Failure. Select this option and your pc will stop on the bsod and not restart. Took me years before I noticed this option. :)
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