Best Programming Language for a new career

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I suggest thinking abnout the type of career you would like and then build your languanke skills around that. e.g. Do you want to be a web developer? IOS developer? Android? Enterprise?

As a general grounding I'd say something like C#, C++ or Java will give a good background in OO languages. With at least one of those you'll generally be able to keep money on the table with those (although experiece is just as key). Then build on that core language with a few others like PHP, Python, etc. However my view is that it's easy to be a programmer but being a genuine developer takes experience and a love of what you do (ie a developer in my mind knows far more than just the syntax of a language and can bring solutions to the table with knowing good design patterns, frameworks, etc). Also fairly essential is some knowledge of SQL as you will need it at some point.
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