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currently running CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 but wanting to push to 3600
any suggestions? price isnt an issue
any suggestions? price isnt an issue
If you want the benefits of dual rank on 2 sticks:
Micron E-die dual rank 16gb sticks. 32gb for almost the same price as a quality 16gb B-die kit
These are good value if you can find them on a deal (Black Friday inc)
Either that or you buy 2x 16gb 3600 c16 or 2x 16gb 3200 c14 B-die kits
You can't honestly go wrong with any of those kits and both types need manual tuning to get the most out of them !!!
That memory is not dual rank. If you click on "Full Specification" and check the Specs row you will see it says "Specs - DDR4 PC4-28800 • 16-18-18 • Unbuffered • NON-ECC • DDR4-3600 • 1.35V • 2048Meg x 64 • ". The important part here is where it says 2048mb x 64.
All memory chips are 64 data bits so you can ignore that part, the rank organisation of a stick is a direct result of the density of the memory IC. You divide the stick capacity by the density of the chips to find out how many chips are used and therefore how many ranks the stick has. 16384mb / 2048mb = 8. Those sticks have 8 chips and are therefore single rank according to the specs on that page.
[EDIT - This gets a bit muddy higher up the range - the 4400mhz and higher kits are only available in 8gb sticks but use 2048mb chips with half their capacity disabled in the SPD in order to hit the higher speeds. Buildzoid discusses this in his videos about his 5100mhz kit that crucial sent him. I really do wish Crucial would go back to clearly stating the ranks on their product pages. Their new website is not an improvement in this regard.]
Can you do me and others a favour and check your date it was made with thaiphoon or similar please?There could indeed be some variance, but I have a set here that are dual rank, bought last month from the link I provided !!!
Can you do me and others a favour and check your date it was made with thaiphoon or similar please?
I have the same ram also but I'm at work at I can't check if mine is or not, because if it is then I was about to plunge 260 quid into ram I don't really need
There could indeed be some variance, but I have a set here that are dual rank, bought last month from the link I provided !!!
Shows as dual rank in Taiphoon and you can even see the dual ranks under the heat spreaders.
Really appreciate your time into this though mateYeah I'm not sure what Crucial are playing at here. I've spent the last 30 minutes searching through google images of thaiphoon burner screenshots - unfortunately not many people screenshot thaiphoon burner and even less do so with 16gb Micron based sticks (within which I've only found one screenshot of a Ballistix branded 16gb stick), so its a tiny sample size to have. The only thing I can think of that makes this make sense is that Crucial are now listing module organisation instead of module composition in their detailed specs so they can use either Rev E (16 chips) or Rev B (8 chips). That being the case the 2048 x 64 column means literally nothing as it could be composed of 1024mb or 2048mb chips (meaning they can be single or double sided depending on what they decide to use on any given day of manufacture). This means you now cannot tell if you're going to get Rev B 2048mb ICs or Rev E 1024mb ICs until you run Thaiphoon burner and check. For example this reddit post shows a (Corsair branded) 16gb Micron based stick using single sided layout with Rev B chips (identified as B-Die in Thaiphoon - more confusion lol) whilst this screenshot also from reddit shows a (ballistix branded) 16gb Micron stick using double sided layout with Rev E chips. Micron Rev B is the newer "replacement" for rev E and is a higher density IC at 2048mb per chip instead of Rev E's 1024mb per chip (excluding the weird half disabled Rev B that micron uses on 4400mhz+).
I honestly don't know where to go with advice for Crucial's 16gb dimms now as they can be either single sided or double sided within the same part number from one kit to the next. They're not packaged for sale so that you can see without opening them either, so there is no way to tell without having the sticks in your hand. Not cool Crucial.
That memory is not dual rank. If you click on "Full Specification" and check the Specs row you will see it says "Specs - DDR4 PC4-28800 • 16-18-18 • Unbuffered • NON-ECC • DDR4-3600 • 1.35V • 2048Meg x 64 • ". The important part here is where it says 2048mb x 64.
All memory chips are 64 data bits so you can ignore that part, the rank organisation of a stick is a direct result of the density of the memory IC. You divide the stick capacity by the density of the chips to find out how many chips are used and therefore how many ranks the stick has. 16384mb / 2048mb = 8. Those sticks have 8 chips and are therefore single rank according to the specs on that page.
[EDIT - This gets a bit muddy higher up the range - the 4400mhz and higher kits are only available in 8gb sticks but use 2048mb chips with half their capacity disabled in the SPD in order to hit the higher speeds. Buildzoid discusses this in his videos about the 5100mhz kit that crucial sent him. I really do wish Crucial would go back to clearly stating the ranks on their product pages. Their new website is not an improvement in this regard.]
I've had it confirmed by Crucial that the extension M16FE1 is the Dual Rank version and the M8FB1 is single rank which you can find on the ram sticks. They are selling both at the same time which is causing confusion.
I remember that mine is rev e, that's cool I've just saved a lot of moneyWell done that man - I just found the same thing out with Google-Fu thanks to this Hardwareluxx thread sp its confirmed. If the crucial part number on your sticks is appended with M16FE as per the part number in this Thaiphoon screenshot you have 16 chips. If the part number is appended with M8FB1 as per the part number in the Hardwareluxx thread it is 8 chips.
In that hardwareluxx thread they have compiled a list of kits confirmed by screenshots of Thaiphoon that can come with Rev B and unfortunately the Ballistix 3600 2 x 16gb kit can come with either as of July 2020. Before July 2020 it seems to be entirely Rev E dual rank (16 chips), from July onwards it can be either rev B or Rev E and can therefore be single or dual rank.
Crucial Ballistix MAX 4000mhzcurrently running CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 but wanting to push to 3600
any suggestions? price isnt an issue
I don't know whether to rage at the person who DMd me this or thank them. Posting it here for complete info anyway.