best random/funny websites forums?

Youtube comments always brighten my day up. :D

They're awful, if it isn't racial abuse it's idiots claiming to know something about anything when they no nothing about bugger all.

I'd rather have Noel Edmonds selotaped to my face... nude... without ear muffs or a beard guard, and selotape over my mouth so that I'm forced to swallow my own vomit... with cancer... of the penis.... than read Youtube comments all day.
Can't believe how many people are suggesting 4Chan, it's parp... the only thing it's good at is people posting porn... and it's awful at that :p

Shed loads of my cool/random pictures folder is from 4chan and none of them are porn. It all depends on the board you go on; I tend to stick to HR, comics, video games and occasionally drift into Japan & Cosplay. Annoyingly Japan is almost always full of anime/hentai though :(.

It all depends on your tolerances, like in HR I'll gladly scroll past anything you'd consider NSFW as I know there's some good stuff in there.


That said it's not really good for anytihng except images which the OP wasn't exclusively, if at all, after.
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