Best/safest way to jailbreak UK iPhone 3G 2.2?

5 Jan 2009
Hey all,

I'm not bothered about unlocking the carrier - I pay £35 for my contract so I'm gonna use it! :D

Anyways, has anyone use Ziphone? I used it once on my mates 2G iPhone and it worked flawlessly. That was back in the days of 1.1.4 however.

Now, on the iPhone 3G with 2.2 I guess things are a bit different. So, how did you guys jailbreak your phone? I've read about quickPWN, but I think ZiPhone looks a bit safer...

Can jailbreaking **** up the iPhone permanently?


Fully star out swearing please. Read the FAQ.
I used quickpwn 2.2 to jailbreak my iPhone 3G 2.2

It was very straight forward to use and work first time with out a problem.

I'm no expert, but read in another thread that if something does go wrong, you can just do a restore through iTunes
I used quickpwn 2.2 to jailbreak my iPhone 3G 2.2

It was very straight forward to use and work first time with out a problem.

I'm no expert, but read in another thread that if something does go wrong, you can just do a restore through iTunes

Cool I'll give it go using that advice. From my reading here, quickpwn seems to be the favourite.

When JBing, does it unlock by default, or can I choose to JB without unlocking?

I used quickpwn 2.2 to jailbreak my iPhone 3G 2.2

It was very straight forward to use and work first time with out a problem.

I'm no expert, but read in another thread that if something does go wrong, you can just do a restore through iTunes


Done it last night, although it messed up the first time for some reason, on reboot it would just halt at the apple logo. So i restored by booting into FDU mode > restore through itunes, tried again and it worked
All done in a matter of minutes :D

Just upgrading cydia now.

OK, noob question (be warned :D): What's the difference between 'Installer' and 'Cydia'?
Cydia seems to work better, I found Installer crashed a lot and slowed my iphone down so I removed it.

THanks for the help. I've used Cydia to download Customize, but every time I download a theme, it says it cant find the files in offline mode,and that I should go online to update the files. I am online, via WiFi!

Any ideas?

THanks for the help. I've used Cydia to download Customize, but every time I download a theme, it says it cant find the files in offline mode,and that I should go online to update the files. I am online, via WiFi!

Any ideas?


Have you downloaded Winterboard?
Have you downloaded Winterboard?

Sorry, forgot to reply, I've been playing with it for the last few hours!

(^ that sounds wrong, but I don't care lol)

Yup, winterboard is awesome. Love how just sliding them up or down changes the mod overwrite priority, simple and effective :D
Sorry to piggy back but if your iPhone is already a factory unlocked one (italian stock) on firmware 2.2, does jailbreaking it pose any issues?
i jailbroke my iphone last week so what i would like to know is, is there any way of disabling the "lost network" pop up ?
No, it shouldn't do, you are only adding Cydia and Installer.

Thanks for your answer. When you use QuickPWN do you have to choose different options depending on whether your iPhone is locked or already unlocked?

Also, will it wipe all the content, settings etc I currently have ?

Edit: I am not too confident on doing this, I just tentatively started QuickPWM 2.2, connected my iPhone to the USB and I get an error saying this verion of QuickPWN can only unlock firnwares 2.0 and above...I am on 2.2!
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It will wipe all of your settings, etc. but iTunes will restore all of those, as long as you've backed it up beforehand.

Unfortunately for me, the jailbreak went fine, but my backup didn't work. :(
Thanks for your answer. When you use QuickPWN do you have to choose different options depending on whether your iPhone is locked or already unlocked?

Also, will it wipe all the content, settings etc I currently have ?

Edit: I am not too confident on doing this, I just tentatively started QuickPWM 2.2, connected my iPhone to the USB and I get an error saying this verion of QuickPWN can only unlock firnwares 2.0 and above...I am on 2.2!

You need to go to the dev team site and get the latest version.

You won't need to wipe the phone as you are not unlocking it. Quickpwn will recognise that it is activated and it won't unlock, just jailbreak.
I quickpwn'd my iphone at the weekend, worked grey however it doesnt back up my applications so it wiped all of the ones I had downloaded :(
I quickpwn'd my iphone at the weekend, worked grey however it doesnt back up my applications so it wiped all of the ones I had downloaded :(

Your apps will be in iTunes, just re-sync them again.

Unless you downloaded them on your phone and didn't back them up on your Mac/PC.
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