Best Season of Futurama?

Still dont get how Simpsons did so well when you had something as classic as Futurama - just like Red Dwarf it made sci-fi funny, but the sci-fi was collateral rather than the main theme...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Love them all, Fave is 'The Honking'. Films are also ok but the last one 'Into The Wild Green Yonder' is so-so.

another vote for the honking as best episode, although they are all great. Just about to start on disk 3 of season 2 (watching them all again whilst I'm working)

edit, just started the ep `how hernes requisitioned his groove back`, love the song at the end
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I dont think I have a fav ep, i love them all :D

one of my fav scene's though is from "How Hermes requisitioned his groove back" when Bender's bitching about morgan and how everything is her fault, you see Leela and Amy shaking their heads as if to say stop, Bender turns round and asks if Morgan's behind him, Morgan then says "No, I'm in front of you!", que Benders very girly scream lol It just doesnt make any sense but i love it! :)
the four Feature-length movies will be chopped into 21-minute-episodes and will form the "6th season"

I thought Bender's Big Score was one 21-minute episode stretched out to be a film :D I watched it with my brother, we both loved the series, the first thing he said after the end was "Apparently they didn't cancel this quite hard enough" :mad:
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