Best sounding bike?

^Yep still one of my favourite clips :D

For me personally there is no sound that beats a IL4 1000 at full chat, that howl is just glorious.
But at low speeds and just for general aggressiveness theres nothing like a V-Twin, something like the KTM video here and yeah RJ's Nuda.

Agree with this! Il4 at full chat with a race pipe is intoxicating! TT bikes sound immense, as did the Kwak supercharged bike at the NEC, but at lower revs and around town you can't beat a big twin
rsv 1000 sounds nice with right cans on

some are just too loud for me though,nice but everyday would drive me nuts
Can't view the vids as I'm at work, but an RSV4 + Austin Racing GP2R exhuaust is up there in the top sounding road bikes for me.

So, RSV4. I WILL own one at some pint in my life... :D That noise.... :eek: :o

But in the meantime I'll settle for 'half' an RVS4 engine with some Mivv Suono cans, with no baffles :D
I wouldn't know where to start with best sounding bike! Nearly all bikes make intoxicating noises, 70s strokers Air cooled parallel twins, RC30's, R1 crossplane, Triumph triples, 996 Ducati, LC's, any bigbore IL4, but my heart will always be with 2 strokes.. 500GP bikes 'dat noise n smell'

It's easier to pick a noise I 'kin hate, Harley Davidsons :spit: :p

Here's a few selections of my favourite noises from old to recent :)

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