Best sub-£100 steering wheel for PC??

2 Jan 2004
First of all, sorry of this is in the wrong section - I couldnt decide between PC Games and General Hardware - mods feel free to move if needed!

Anyway, my current steering wheel, a Thrustmaster Force Feedback Racing Wheel, has recently been turned into a useless paper-weight following Windows 7 service pack one as Thrustmaster are no longer supporting it!! :mad:

Various e-mails to Thrustmaster later and they are basically saying - Tough luck, buy something new! :mad:

Anyway, since there is nothing in the way of a discount coming I was wondering what the best sub-£100 steering wheel was - I've had a search about and seen the Ferrari F430 one but its Thrustmaster again and I'm obviously reluctant to give them more of my money unless it really is the best value for the money!

Any other suggestions around this sort of price point???

Thanks guys - it does look pretty good! (and will work with the PS3 which is a bonus!)

Anyone know how it stacks up against the Thrustmaster Ferrari one?
The instant response is for DFGT owners to say buy a DFGT because that's the big seller under £100 and most of them haven't tried anything else, the reality is it's not actually the best wheel and pedal setup under £100.
DFGT is what I use and it's way better than my old thrustmaster.

But anyway, if you have the same wheel as me, then you can get it to work. I downloaded the 'Force Feedback Racing Wheel' Vista Drivers V2.7.30 drivers and put it into Vista SP1 compatibility mode. I think I tried W7 compatibility mode, but it's Vista SP1 that made it work.

Here's the drivers I used:

If you have a different wheel in that list, you might be able to try a similar thing with compatibility mode.

Tried those drivers on my Thrustmaster last night in Vista compatibility and all was going well until I flipped the switch on the wheel and BAM - BSOD!!!! :mad:

Anyway, I've picked up the DFGT today to see how I like it (this and the F430 seem very similar but I cant quite bring myself to buy another Thrustmaster product quite this soon!)
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