best tv card

29 Jun 2004
upstairs i have a sky box can i run a s video cable from the box to a pci tv card?if so what tv card would be best?thanks for any help here!
Not windows... or indeed anything to do with software at all. GH?

That aside, probably possible. Doubt there would be much difference in cards. If you only want to do S-Video, it might be worth looking into just a capture card.
think im gonna try an aerial from the sky box to my pc, would it be perfect quality like sky or would i need a decent tv card ive got one but its old time for an upgrade?
looks good. ran the aerial to my tv that was a good picture ran it on my pc with the tv card picture quality was crap. will it be improved with a better card?
Have a look at the Leadtek DTV1000T, a good cheap card with much better software than the majority of cards. Although a capture card may be just as useful. :)
A direct svideo connection is good quality, it's composite (or converted sources) that are bad quality.

I have the DTV1000T and it is an amazing card and high quality.
mrk said:
A direct svideo connection is good quality, it's composite (or converted sources) that are bad quality.

I have the DTV1000T and it is an amazing card and high quality.

Well when me and many other people have used skys s-video it was awful.
i have a leadtek t200 xp i think its called i have a perfect picture on the tv but on this card its terrible. Would the Leadtek DTV1000T fix this problem?
Energize said:
Well when me and many other people have used skys s-video it was awful.

I dont know what skys svideo out is like but svideo is certainly very sharp and crisp on this card.

Are you enabling/disabling RGB mode when outputting from the sky box? does *** sky ox have direct SVIDEO out instead of going through a scart block adapter?

Direct svideo and composite are awful with sky, everything blurs on the screen. When I looked on other forums apparently its a common problem with sky boxes and tv cards. We can only hope that sky hd boxes will look ok with component or hd-sdi.
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