Best version of street fighter for the SNES?

Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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I've owned a SNES for years and we'd liek to have a streetfighter tournament at uni. Which is the ultimate version of SFII for the SNES? Cheers.
JoeBoi said:
xbox has all the street fighter 2's put into one game, and street fighter 3 which is really good which you might wanna consider if someone has a xbox can pick the game up for less then £20
I've got a 360 in the post. Is it backward compatable?

As far as I know on the snes there were:

street fighter 2 turbo
super streetfighter 2
street fighter alpha 2
oh dear... what have you all done!

What other multiplayer and single player games do you recommend? SNES games are suprisingly cheap.
Ah just found a classis. If you have 2 controllers and a SNES buy putty squad. It's a fantastic cooperative split screen platformer.
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