best visually game i must buy ?

Alien Isolation.
Arma 3 Apex.
Witcher 3.
Skyrim / Fallout 4 with Mods.
Crysis 1, 2, 3.
Battlefield 4 with Reshade/Sweetfx.
Wolfenstein The New Order/The Old Blood.
Far Cry 4.
Mad Max.
Just Cause 3, has memleaks tho.
ARK Survival Evolved.
Batman Arkham Knight.
Crysis 3 - unmatched graphical fidelity and it's still running on the most powerful graphics engine known to man, although the graphics are very slightly dated, the amount of care and work that went into every aspect of the game visually is mindblowing. Grass, leafs, critters, clutter - all of it looks amazing and every thing that you see has the utmost quality.

Can't wait to throw my 1070 at it for round 2 :cool:
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.

Didn't *get* why this was so highly regarded since recently, I am now addicted. It looks amazing with maxed settings in 1080P on my 970.

£4.99 GotY Edition @
Probably the best titles I've played for visuals without mods are the Metro series, Crysis 3 and Doom (2016).

If you're happy to have a tinker with mods, then I'd look at Fallout 3/4, Skyrim & Morrowind, Crysis 1 & 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., etc. I still think Clear Sky when modded holds up pretty well even by today's standards.
Probably the best titles I've played for visuals without mods are the Metro series, Crysis 3 and Doom (2016).


I'd go with those, not with Witcher 3 - looks good in screenshots especially if you SweetFX it, but the physics and weird movement of trees etc just ruin it utterly when moving.
looking for a game with amazing eye candy.

What GPU, CPU and monitor resolution? Because that will depend. :)

eg you cannot see all the great graphics on many games if your GPU is not up to par.

Personally, Ryse Son of Rome and Tomb Raider.
Ryse son of rome
I'm gonna go with this.

Game is legit jaw-dropping.

Also more fun than you might think, wont outstay its welcome, and has a surprisingly decent story.

Crysis 3 - unmatched graphical fidelity
It's been matched and exceeded by quite a few games already.

Still very nice looking of course.

Also, I'm seeing some truly bizarre recommendations in here. Wolfenstein? STALKER? ARK? These games can have their moments, but if OP wants the cream of the crop, they dont come close.
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