Best way to clone a hdd

24 Oct 2005
North East
I have a 30gb drive atm split into two. One part is 10gb for windows only, the other is 18gb for misc stuff.

I want a new c: drive for windows and storage. I will be partitionining the new 320gb hdd for windows only partition and the rest is misc.

So can someone help with what i should do when i get the new hdd. I want the new hdd to be the same drive letter (c:) as i dont want to reinstall windows on it. So as i said whats the best way to clone c: to another drive i want named as c: (c: at least for the new drives window partition).
Will it keep the drive letters the same. As im worried if i move the windows partition onto a diff lettered drive you see it wont work or things will go weird.

I have used norton in the past but that was years and years ago. And that was never a hdd to hdd clone, but a hdd to cd clone.
Cool, will look more into it.

So basically all i would do is get the new hdd, install it along side the curerent hdds. Install and run this prg you mention. It will copy C: to new a new C: on the new hdd. Once done i can remove my 30gb drive and be left with my new 320gb drive as c: and then theres the 200gb maxtor i have for storage left.

If so sounds good. :)
M0t0r0la said:
Ghost Corp. 9
SuperWinPE 2004 or 2k5_dvd
I would personally steer clear of Ghost, from personal experience, it's not as good as Acronis. I've had many failed images from it.
smids said:
I would personally steer clear of Ghost, from personal experience, it's not as good as Acronis. I've had many failed images from it.

Never had a problem with it and have used it to create my own auto-booting elite restore DVD's for well over 40 odd system builds now.
I'm with him ^^^^^^^ (not literally) way back to ghost errm about 8 yrs ago!although as of the last six months Acronis has sped its way up my list of good utils :) despite only liking safe mode on my ds4 though :confused: other than that it still works with a dual booting xp/vista on an intel matrix doo-da.
Symantec Ghost or a general ghosting program should mirror an image of your existing hard drive on to a new one.
M0t0r0la said:
Never had a problem with it and have used it to create my own auto-booting elite restore DVD's for well over 40 odd system builds now.
Have you ever tried it on RAID arrays? I certainly have.

In fact, it was a known issue about it not working with certain RAID's (I think it was Ghost 9). They actually issued a workaround I believe. Not exactly heartening.
I like ghost 8 but its not as easy to use as true image is.

I've made my own boot disc based on BARTpe and ghost which works very nicely. Thing with true image i've found is it can be very hit and miss with their boot disc to get it working on some mobos. Ghost takes more time to setup with collecting drivers but once done its done and it will work solidly i've never had a failed image.

Havin said that if you are new to disk cloning I would take a look at true image it is very easy to use and mostly works.
SkeeterPSA said:
Will it keep the drive letters the same. As im worried if i move the windows partition onto a diff lettered drive you see it wont work or things will go weird.

I have used norton in the past but that was years and years ago. And that was never a hdd to hdd clone, but a hdd to cd clone.

If it did change the letters use Disk Management.

Right Click on My Computer > Properties, click Disk Management in the right hand pane and then find the associated drive.

I have recently been pointed in the Direction of Bart PE, but because it requires the disk to be built my PC doesn't have any windows setup files on, and it wants my XP CD, I only have a recovery disk...would this work?
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