Best way to get trainers white again?

10 May 2004
East Yorkshire, UK

What is the best way to get trainers white again? My trainers a filfthy from a run I did tonight, last time put them in washing machine had to buy a new pair as sole came off, what are ure tips?

Most trainers will probably benifet from a damp cloth and some water to light rinse with. Not sure if that will apply to you because most trainers tend to be made of lots of varied materials...some of which might not like being washed as such
Put them in a pillow case & then in the washing machine on the coolest wash possible.
Put them in a pillow case and then put them in the washing machine. The only other way is to wash them by hand with detergent, but you'll never get them white again.
You can buy trainer cleaning products. We used to sell trainer whitener in my shop, but not anymore. We also used to do other shoe cleaning products. I have some Sof-Sole gel cleaner which worked ok on my Adidas Tuscanys. Although a bit of dirt adds character to white trainers, and stops you mathcing with the Ecko tracksuit-clad, baseball-cap wearing scum who like to have their trainers gleaming white :D
Could work, Swarfega will remove anything. Used to use it at my dad's factory.

Edit: For washing hands and machinery clean of oil, not trainer cleaning I might add :)
JIF 4TW (It'll be a cold day in Hell before I call it by it's "EU" name :p


Works for me, anyway :)

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
JIF 4TW (It'll be a cold day in Hell before I call it by it's "EU" name :p

Its always worrying asking one of the till girls in Tesco where you can get/if she has Cif.... ;)

Use a solvent, swarfega has been mentioned should work. I just use soapy water and an old toothbrush. :)
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