Best Websites

YouTube, NASA, Scientific American, dpreview, Ars Techinca, AVForums, ESA Portal, TED Ideas worth spreading, OcUK, National Geographic, Engadget, New Scientist

Very good prices, can't beat their service, check out this week only offers for some great deals.

Free delivery for loyal forum members.

All the staff are tremendously sexy.

On a serious note, not a great deal recently, just here :p
I like Digg, takes a lot fo my time.

College Humour


Anything else I find when browsing really.
My favourite website used to be the OcUK forums but then I asked if most of the members were staff and everyone hated me so I left.
Please can all staff recommend:


I think we are all VERY aware of ocuk as we are here!

I started this post becase I have no life and I seem to have developed an addiction for staring at a computer screen. So I wanted to find new sites to keep me amiused. When i had a life I used to like myspace but its not the same now and I dont like "networking" with strangers anymore. When I used to have sex I used to like Gaydar. But now I am just plain bored.

[note to ocuk staff, the more stuff you can find for me to to do on my computer the more stuff I am likly to buy from you]

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