Best wireless gaming headset for PC gaming

27 Jun 2006
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I am looking for a new gaming headset, I have seen so many looking at the ratings from Corsair VIRTUOSO RGB Wireless XT to Arctis Nova Pro Wireless. So confusing :confused:

Any recommendations on which wireless gaming headset I should get? I dont care about price.

Thanks :)
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Did yours turn up dude? I got mine a moment ago.. have to say huge improvement over my Sennheiser ones already. Not tried VoIP during gaming yet, but having surround sound is pretty awesome and very handy in games like BF2042. I will say that I am going to have to replace the ear cups and get some custom ones. The ones that came with are very thin.

Yep got it yesterday, haven't had chance to properly try it yet. Will do tonight when I be doing a few Teams meeting, OBS recordings and gaming. I think these have noise cancelling or the cups are very good.

I keep you updated :)
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