between a rock and a hard place

28 Oct 2002
Port Toilet
Currently I have Plusnet ADSL, which I pay for, but my housemates pay the line rental on the line. They seem to think we would be much better moving to NTL, which I really don't want to do, but I need convincing arguments to persuade them.

I know NTL will be cheaper, but what other factors in the argument can I use?
why don't you want to move to NTL? You'll get a faster, uncapped connection for the same price...

The only problem with NTL is that you're signed into a years contract which could be a problem if you're renting.

You don't get a static IP (might not with PN if you're on BB Plus) and you're stuck with NTL (and their iffy support and transparent proxies) as an ISP, versus (in theory) more speed, "unlimited" (yeah right) and (potentially) less cost?

Be inclined to check what NTL's like in your area before getting stuck for 12 months though. Though Plusnet hardly gives ADSL a fair account of itself...
I have a static ip with PN and the BT line has been in for three years.

I would rather stay with PN as my domain is held with them.
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