BF2: =50K= vs [OcUK] Game III

18 Aug 2005
Wirral, UK.

Footie, innit :)

It's about time we played again... sooo...

Same procedure as always, send an email containing your BF2 name and OcUK forum name: [email protected] - You'll only get added to the list if you do so. I won't accept people who post here and expect to be added.

- It'll be on Thursday the 22nd of June.
- The game starts properly at 8:00.
- People are to start filling the server 7:30.
- Substitutes or extras are allowed to join the server after 8:30, provided that there are 24 or less players on the OcUK team. We don't want an imbalance.
- Zatar Wetlands x 2 (64), Strike at Karkand x 2 (64).
- 25 per-side.
- Server details and password will be emailed to those who sign up properly.

OcUK Players:
[OcUK] Teamspeak server:

OcUK team will be using the above TS server for the duration of the game. (Thanks Yewen)

(BF2 Name - Forum name)
1) [OcUK]Krogother - MoNkEe
2) [OcUK]DJammyRasta - DJammyRasta
3) [OcUK]x_Meshuggah_x - Phalanx
4) [OcUK]Siders77 - Siders77
5) [OcUK]Rebel=UK= - Rebel=UK=
6) [OcUK]Noni - Noni
7) [OcUK]MajorPart - MajorPart
8) [OcUK]Mundu - Mundu
9) [OcUK]deko7291 - deko
10) [OcUK]richard bailey - ichabod crane
11) [OcUK]-=YakuzA=-Kyoukou - IamMed
12) [OcUK]Yewen – Yewen
13) [OcUK]Zacko1337 - Zacko
14) [OcUK]sc0rpius - B&W
15) [OcUK]MastermindUK - MastermindUK
16) [OcUK]TheOtherOption - TheOtherOption
17) [OcUK]MRTanit - Marius
18) [OcUK]Romeo-Kilo - G00SE
19) [OcUK]=CC=sargatanas - Sargatanas
20) [OcUK]Lukazan - Hlebio
21) [OcUK]Cybermyk - Cybermyk
22) [OcUK]Unisis - gazozborne
23) [OcUK]cascadia - cascadia
24) [OcUK]sandmaster500 - sandmaster500
25) [OcUK]bloodwolf06 - BloodWolf


1) [OcUK]possum05 - possum
2) [OcUK]sabre_tooth_tigger - geiger

Please only sign up if you're sure you can make it, to make my life easier.

Anyone putting their name down after the first 25 will be a substitute/replacement.

Normal 50Klicks server rules apply. They can be found HERE.

Remember to wear your [OcUK] tags.

This post will be continuously updated with information, and shortly before the game, =50K='s player list will be added in.
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one person probably is insignificant but im sure im not the only one who would love to play but needs to revise for GCSE exams, just a suggestion but perhaps it would be better to change the date till after GCSEs.
It's just an idea and I don't wanna ruin everyone's fun but i'd love to play but i've got revising to do and im sure others do and should do as well
Siders77 said:
Come on dude, it'll give you an hour or so out of Revision- a well needed brake I think. :)

upon inspecting my time table, I do not have an exam for a week after the 14th.
So forget my douchebagery for i'm in
deko said:
id like to play, but im not in the ocuk team :(

You dont need to be, or you didnt need to be last 2 games anyway, you just had to be a member on the forum. Can FosterK/an OcUK clan member confirm this?

Can't make it that night, a small matter of England v Trinidad at 5pm, shall be well bladdered I expect.

No chance of holding these events at weekends is there?
Sm0kin said:

Can't make it that night, a small matter of England v Trinidad at 5pm, shall be well bladdered I expect.

No chance of holding these events at weekends is there?

Lol I think Sm0kin just hit an important hurdle, I'll play I hope. Two weeks off work on the sick and I have managed about 5hrs :(

They are playing Zatar Wetlands x 2 (64), Strike at Karkand x 2 (64). So i think not.
lol it's too early this morning!

Sounds good - count me in (assuming I can add an OcUK tag to the onscreen name). Email sent!
Siders77 said:
You going to be playing Malc?

I would rather not comment on the reasons and leave this thread to those playing.

I have friends at 50k that i would like to keep and when i war i am Not friendly. :p
Im in for definite this time!!! Lets make sure we get lots of practice in!!!! Don't worry you have me this time it's sure not to be a walkover. :p
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