bf2 armored fury released

As long as people buy them , EA will try and sell. Plenty of normal servers if you don't want to buy and booster pack will be pretty much dead in a month or two anyway.
wel to say last one that came out you got new levels guns cars teams and now you get 3 levels 5 vechels wow not worth my £6 just another way of making millions
£6 is virtually the cost of two pints these days and at least it exceeds the 40mins you'd spend on the pints :o

So far the most effective vehicle seems to be the Tunguska, massive scores gained from that as it mostly goes ignored by the enemy air as long as you don't join the tank convoys. Kills a plenty :)

Ace of Spades said:
Cant believe EA get away with releasing these booster packs which should have been included in the original release. After all they've just reworked the desert combat mod for 1942. :o

Hmm bf2 is a little more than a rework of dc tbh lol. If you don't like the boosters don't buy them simple as tbh.
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