BF2 or Special force?

only keep special forces because it doubles my unlocks and gives me access to the tier 2 weapons

ive only got 4 weapons left to unlock, and im only on 8000 points

for those reading this thinking "WTF"

if you have special forces, play at least 1 round (whole or part) on a special forces multiplayer server and it gives you double unlocks. So if you've currently got 3 weapons unlocked, play 1 game of SF and you'll get 3 more. And they dont have to be used on the extra SF guns either.
rayb74 said:
Fair play BF 2 has got to be the worst most annoying game I have ever played online.................

But .........

I keep going back for more !! :p

All they have to do is get rid of the plane whores and attack heli`s and you would have a better balanced game.

Plane whores go play G-Loc or something .... :eek:

Get rid of the planes and helicopters and who keeps the tanks in check?. Spec ops are really no threat to them anymore as loads whined about throwing c4 so now you normally get shot before getting close enough.Also rarely is there a group of AT , so one guy must die 2 or 3 times to get rid of the tank.
Armadillo said:
Don't play karkand or maybe spawn at another flag. Might be a shock to most players of that map , but there are more flags than the hotel one.
Take a blackhawk to 500+ feet , j-10's rarely go that high.
Don't spawn at the hotel then.

Seems far too many people bought the wrong game , did the vehicles on the back of the box not give away the fact that there are vehicles in the game.

dont play karkand ??? or spawn at another flag ??? well every forum has one i suppose .... USA spawn, 2 places ... and HAVE to advance - spawn at another point ? k, thats answered.

wake ??? fly high and thats it ??? fek me, so simple ... well actually not, u take a copter high, fly to a flag, k i miss you in the J-10, my commander warns of the copters position, i swing round on bombs so not alerting you.. then switch and - booom, two missles take you cant beat the J-10 on wake played by a expert pilot (not me.. im shiz) k, answered

where not talking about tactics of maps fella, where having a debate over bf2 and sf addon. sf was released with no jets and thats cool, enjoy it for what it is...

my points are mainly pointing out that some sf maps are fantastic, good design and more fun IF you give them time. you didnt make a constructive comment about the OP's topic ... plz dont waste our time
Armadillo said:
Get rid of the planes and helicopters and who keeps the tanks in check?. Spec ops are really no threat to them anymore as loads whined about throwing c4 so now you normally get shot before getting close enough.Also rarely is there a group of AT , so one guy must die 2 or 3 times to get rid of the tank.

bf2 is a team game with squads ... no jets on a map doesnt make armour invincible... a good squad - with two anti-tank can easily take out a tank or two.
spec ops are no real threat ??how about you run up to a tank, slap two c4's on, run away or lie down under it and boooom..squad medic revives you .. carry on .. adapt or play medic and just whore pts
eekfek said:
dont play karkand ??? or spawn at another flag ??? well every forum has one i suppose .... USA spawn, 2 places ... and HAVE to advance - spawn at another point ? k, thats answered.

wake ??? fly high and thats it ??? fek me, so simple ... well actually not, u take a copter high, fly to a flag, k i miss you in the J-10, my commander warns of the copters position, i swing round on bombs so not alerting you.. then switch and - booom, two missles take you cant beat the J-10 on wake played by a expert pilot (not me.. im shiz) k, answered

where not talking about tactics of maps fella, where having a debate over bf2 and sf addon. sf was released with no jets and thats cool, enjoy it for what it is...

my points are mainly pointing out that some sf maps are fantastic, good design and more fun IF you give them time. you didnt make a constructive comment about the OP's topic ... plz dont waste our time

Since when does usa get spawned raped on karkand. The apcs and tanks move up and rape the hotel. If they dont just drop down into out of bounds drive along and across the river and take back flags. Unless of course you use the tried and tested tactic of all charge at the hotel to your death.

wake ??? fly high and thats it ??? fek me, so simple ... well actually not

Actually yes , for one thing 2 missiles will not take down a blackhawk , you'll have 4 or so bars left. Even if the commander points you out , rarely will the j10's come for you as there is more points to be had bombing the carrier.

my points are mainly pointing out that some sf maps are fantastic, good design and more fun IF you give them time. you didnt make a constructive comment about the OP's topic ... plz dont waste our time

So the fact that there are very few servers and it runs worse than BF2 is not constructive. Ok then , same points can pretty much apply to SF then.

Want to get raped by armour over and over while parachuting in - play warlord.
Want to get raped over and over by two helicopters - play Ghost town.

No jets , so I'll go with want to get blown up by claymores every two seconds - play ghost town or warlord.
eekfek said:
bf2 is a team game with squads ... no jets on a map doesnt make armour invincible... a good squad - with two anti-tank can easily take out a tank or two.
spec ops are no real threat ??how about you run up to a tank, slap two c4's on, run away or lie down under it and boooom..squad medic revives you .. carry on .. adapt or play medic and just whore pts

I never said they will be invincible , but they will be more a pain.

Just run up to a tank and slap em on?. Easier said than done , any decent tank driver will be using external views , you'll be blown away before getting close enough. Anti tank yes , can take it down , but the tank will take a few with it before it goes.

As for adapt , so thats what the whining to dice to get the c4 , jets , helicopter (insert anything that kills) here nerfed is.
Armadillo said:
As for adapt , so thats what the whining to dice to get the c4 , jets , helicopter (insert anything that kills) here nerfed is.

whinning? ?? nerfing ??? soz but no game is perfect and there will always be imbalance. its also not about total realism is it, lets be honest the game would suck if so.
My points reflect what the avg bf2 player thinks ie karkand nade alley or wake j-10 ownage etc ... to which has been agreed with on here by others. we could be wrong and you right *cough*

i reckon sf would be more popular if when it was released it was intergrated into bf2, ie maps could be rotated amongst vanilla maps and not require you to shut the game down and boot up sf.
Thinking logically bf2 is going to end up hilarious.

We have -

Removed the the option to destroy mines and claymores.

Weakened pretty much every weapon in the game (F2000 and PKM prime examples).

Increased health and stamina x 2

Lowered the range of SAM's.

Many other changes that mean it will now take two clips and hand to hand combat to actually kill an enemy, choose the G3 and you might actually run out of ammo after the first one dies :p

The game is getting silly but is still fun, SF for the win for me -

Bf2 = 123:27:23

SF = 67:07:54

EF = 04:08:03

AF = 08:19:01

I used to play a lot of karkand but Warlord is great and nade free most of the time. :)

i agree planes add absolutely nothing to the game... choppers too really but then im a chopper whore so i would cry if they removed them ;)

as for the game.. i dont play sf as much as i should eekfek the fact that you have to quit out of bf2 and load up sf whenever you decide to give it a game annoys me too much to play it most of the time
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