BF2 Team [OcUK] intersted?

24 Feb 2003
After the recent...errr.. success of the OcUK vs =50K= match! A few players have been talking about the possibility of a dedicated Team [OcUK] Clan.

Just to get an idea on the number of possible clan members, Would anyone interested in joining please log their interest in this thread. And then maybe we could all sort something out from there?

EDIT:Could you leave your BF2 names in your post too. So a list can be made.

Thanks, G00SE/[OcUK]Romeo-Kilo


The [OcUK] Clan website =

The [OcUK] Clan Forum =

TEAM [OcUK] so far... x-fire name after / if different!

malc / kgcmalc
Rebel=UK= / RebelUK
Romeo-Kilo / romeokilo
richard_bailey / r1chardba1ley
TheOtherOption / tehotheroption
DanMc06 / Hexin275
master.yhack / yhack
Babyface-UK05 / babyfaceuk05

Noobeo / cjfalconer
Loki / gmloki
DJammyRasta / DJammyRasta
saikor330 / saikor
Ak!ta / 00tbone00
HAMMatt / biggayalan
The_Head_05 / thehead
VagabondUK / vagabonduk
Lukazan / Lukazan
MRTanit / mariusvictor

Bloodwolf06 / bloodwolf232
goberpiles / goberpiles316
If you ain't already done so, Would you prefix your names with [OcUK] to make yourself's instantly recognisable to others!
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chris06 said:
I'm up for it! I'm not that good tho :(

Name: chris2485

Don't worry about that mate. I've only had this game since February so i ain't too good either!

Most people want a relaxed approach to "clanism" anyway. And i think thats the way to go :)
Made a quick list of players so far.

I think we all need to add each other to x-fire so we can squad up and get to know each other (i know some already have).
Rednut05 said:
Don't have xfire although I do have a Mic so normally in a 50K server i'l prob be chatting.

I reconise some of your names from being in games.

I used to use [OcUK] Rednut05 but no-body else had the [Ocuk] tag so i've given up on it now and i'm back to 'Rednut05'.

Do we have a server or anything and yeah, whats the deal with being able to use the [OcUK] tag. Is it naught and will I get a spank ;)?

We are hardly a clan as of yet. So no server! Gonna ask about the [OcUK] tags, Don't worry.

It's just that I personally won't remember most players names. If you are tagged [OcUK] then you are instantly my friend!!!

As for a on the opposite side to me and you'll get one :D
Rebel=UK= said:
Should we add the [OcUK] tag is it ok?

Some people have been using them for ages. But i will ask OcUK in the morning (sat 29/04/2006).

Can't see it being a problem as long as the bearers don't start wreaking havok all over the internet. i.e. swearing!
babyface uk said:
and for the noob question, how do you add the [OcUK] tag.


Babyface UK

When you get the login screen, There is a box at the top labelled "Prefix". It will be empty. Just type it in there and it will be added to your name. Can delete it/Change it whenever you want.
malc30 said:
Goose can you update the O.P. with the xfire names in one list for ease of use.
It's a right pain searching through all the posts.

xfire name kgcmalc

They are at the side of bf2 user names!! seperated by a /
TheOtherOption said:
Just to add to my name in the OP's post x-fire is :tehotheroption <- someone already had 'TheOtherOption' it seems :o :(

Check i've done it right mate! didn't know if you meant with the colon or without and if "***" was also deliberate or not? :confused:

"t-e-h" ^why is that blanked out?
Yewen said:
Someone needs to make a website, not necissarily a forum just a website.

1. Anyone got any website making skills?? :D It only needs to be basic! We just need a way to mass communicate.

2. Then we need somewhere to play??

3. Then we can announce a time & date for our first official practice/get together! :cool:

IF anyone can help with the above, Please let it be known!
malc30 said:
First thing is for anyone that's interested is to sort MSN out.
We can mass communicate via an MSN room for starters and chat further on arrangements.

I cannot really take people seriously unless they make an effort.
Adding MSN and Xfire is the first step.

I thought most peaple had? And how does anyone know when to be on there? i'm on there now and your not?

eidt: you logged on as i was typing :D
Hlebio said:

I feel like I've just sold my soul to the devil or something... I kinda like it.. :D Brand new and sealed too.

I'd like to sign up please..

Xfire Name: Lukazan

Whats your BF2 name mate?
Solac said:
If your still accepting members ill join, havnt played in a while but would like to get back into it/


Always accepting members :)

What's your BF2 name and xfire name if you have one?
malc30 said:
Forum discussion is Perfect friend but posting rules Prior to discussion is not. :)

His post is a discussion.

It's a better way of doing it than having a few members discuss it on TS and then having to tell everyone else what was said and find out if they agree.

It's written down for all to see, And all can comment/contribute.
^ Why don't you join the forum?

After everyone has logged off, The disussion is still there for EVERYONE to see?

You can't expect 50+ people to all be on MSN, Xfire, TS or anything else, All at the same time! people have jobs and other commitments!
Unfortunately, I agree with everything you just said ^^ :(

I wanted this to be as open and friendly as possible. For both casual players and players who want to be a bit more serious.
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