BF4: Hardline.....gaaahhh!!!!

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
I was really looking forward to playing this game, just aint BF. It's sommat else.

Anyway, on the first mission (which is boring as hell btw) i'm totally stuck, I'm supposed to toss a shell to distract some dude whilst crouching behind a corner with my partner, but each time i get caught. Then when it restarts from that checkpoint some jabroni walks into the scene from the other side and spots us straight away, thus ending the mission, rinse and repeat. There's no getting out of this loop. Only course of action is to start the level again. No way i'm going through all that mouse driven cut scene just to get back there.
It's ridiculous!! Anyone else having issues like this?
Also, when i walked up to some bloke the word FREEZE popped up on the right of the screen. There was no hint of what button to press to action this. I looked through every goddam keybind and nothing really hinted to what button to press to action FREEZE. I assumed the 'interact' button, but nope, nor the button that earlier had me arrest them first guys. I ended up pressing every single button on the keyboard (fast) before he shot me and one of them worked, but i don't know which one, cos nothing in the keybinds hints towards it.
Big BF and fps fan in general, but i don't think i've ever had such confusion over a game before.
Am i the only one?
i feel like giving up already as the first mission is tedious to make me NOT want to go through it again.
So i thought bugger it, i'll go online, but couldn't get into a single server ,just kept saying connecting. My 75mbit connection aint too shoddy.

Someone save meeeeee...... :rolleyes:
The first time I thought you have to use the shell toss, There is a guy in a doorway and his wife talking to him from above or something? And you throw it down an alleyway and he walks down there and you sneak through his house.

I played it with a control pad, and that gave you bloody key prompts to press (even though every action you needed has an appropriate button press to activate)

I'm fairly confident therefore, that even though I haven't played the game with keyboard and mouse that the default button to get people to 'freeze' is 'F'

Make sure the people you are facing all have little blue icons over their head before you press it, otherwise one will just treat you as spotted and attack on site.
Sp on Hardline is one of the worst I've ever played, Ive got one mission left playing it on the hardest one and I don't even feel I've played it. 95% cut scenes.

F is also to beat them! I think. Or G either one of them two, do freeze and arrest
no effort is put into single player games much now on treble aaa titles.

then again i only buy fps titles for mp. hardline is good fun.
I put about 20 minutes into it, my god, so, so so sooooooooooo bad! How on earth it's even considered a game is beyond me.

Myst had more interaction!
20 minutes is you literally playing the intro/training mission then, surely.

For what it's worth, I thought a lot of effort was put in and I quite enjoyed it. It's more memorable than BF3/4 single player campaign....
20 minutes is you literally playing the intro/training mission then, surely.

For what it's worth, I thought a lot of effort was put in and I quite enjoyed it. It's more memorable than BF3/4 single player campaign....

Yep, and I gave up as I then read whilst waiting for cutscenes to end, it was mostly like that. As a result, gave up. My time is worth more than poorly scripted cut scenes with terrible voice acting. I'd rather watch an American sitcom in my free time. Not force my self to play through a 2 bit pile of ****.
Why did you even buy it, I can't even imagine it being half decent. :eek:

Because my friends and I enjoyed the beta multiplayer. And now I've sunk about 24 hours into the MP. I've moved back to BF4 which is just leaps and bounds better.

So, I got my monies worth from it for a few good laughs on some evenings. But it's a puddle of a game, mile wide, an inch deep. Just like Elite Dangerous come to think about it.
Yup, it has the depth of a puddle, I got so bored of the mp after approx 15 hours that i cant see me keeping it installed for long, I'm missing bf4 which I've played for over 400 hours. Massive mistake paying full price for bfh
I was really looking forward to playing this game, just aint BF. It's sommat else.

It was pretty obvious when this trash was revealed it was going to be the worst BF everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Even the release delay due to them tweaking the game to impove it ,couldnt save it. :rolleyes:

Do you see the sarcasm there.

When a half assed game has been developed but the official release has been delayed for 5 or 6 months for them to improve the game, the 5 or 6 months of tweaking here and there wont save the half assed developed game.

But then it is EA, afterall.
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