10 Dec 2008
The game is battlefield bad company 2. OK 10 things I've thought of below, and the question is this


Let's see if we have any common understanding .. also please feel free to write your own 'dodgy gameplay' thoughts, and whether in your view they are 'fair enough' or 'unacceptable play?

OK . 'fine' or 'not fine' ..

1) Sneaking into their base, taking their helicopter, flying it back to somewhere obscure and just sitting like a plum in it.

Reason - simple denial of resource. Their helicopter will never respawn, they are severely handicapped. If you fly it around and try and kill the enemy with it sooner or later you're going to be shot down, and they've got the helicopter back. Sit like a nugget somewhere and your team will enjoy enemy-helicopter-free fun for the entire round.

2) You are the best pilot on your team. Someone else is going to beat you to the helicopter, so you rocket it and blow it up before they get in, so they wander elsewhere (in a strop) and you get the new spawned heli. The team enjoys your super-duper helicopter skilz!

3) You've found a spot where you can sit and snipe for an entire round, and DUE TO A BUG no-one can shoot you back as you've kind of half-dropped through the ground! Your score is mental. You're impossible to be killed. People on the opposition are leaving the server.

4) You and your mate make the ULTIMATE tank team. You grabbed the tank but then someone else entirely,from your team , jumped in the gunners seat. You ask him to politely get out but he won't. So ok, if he's being difficult you will, you just sit in the tank, in your base, doing nothing. You'll try and bore him out of the tank so you and your mate can go and have your kicks ..

5) FF is ON. Nooby sniper lying in useless position hitting no-one. No matter what you say about him moving forward he sits like a plum making rubbish potshots at the enemy doing your team no good at all. Teach him a lesson with a bullet to the head?

6) You are squad leader. You order 'attack A'. 2 of your squad ignore you and attack 'B'! They're definately only using your squad as a 'forward spawning point' they are ignoring ALL orders. Booted from squad?

7) Someone uses harsh swear words on chat to someone else. Boot? Or to be expected, fair enough?

8) A person is screaming abuse at a player over chat for 10 minutes, demanding he leave so that 'my friend can join so we can form the ultimate squad as the server is full at the moment'. It seems they've picked a random bloke, and are trying to harass him out of the server so their ultimate squad can rule! The bloke they picked always likes going 'rambo' rather then doing anything team coordinated ..

9) Whatever your team does, one of your team members 'global chats' it to the enemy just for the lolz. 'They are all going for point A', 'Their helicopter has just spawned I'll bring it to your base don't shoot me down you can have it' etc. ..

10) Your team could at any time blow up the last remaining point, but is so enjoying killing the opposition so much it doesn't bother doing it, rather just sitting having total control of the map, killing you all repeatedly for the points and the lolz.

11) members on opposition team, 3. Members on your team, 24. Marvellous?
1) Fine
2) Fine
3) Fine
4) Fine
5) Fine
6) Fine
7) Fine
8) Fine
9) Fine
10) Fine
11) Fine

Griefing whether intentional or in the heat of the moment is amusing more than anything. From having a quiet sleepy camp fest to punching your monitor of the desk epic nerd rage explosion, tis all the ever wonderful flavour of online FPS games.
The game is battlefield bad company 2. OK 10 things I've thought of below, and the question is this


Let's see if we have any common understanding .. also please feel free to write your own 'dodgy gameplay' thoughts, and whether in your view they are 'fair enough' or 'unacceptable play?

OK . 'fine' or 'not fine' ..

1) Fair., they should have made use of it before any enemy got near it.

2) Unacceptable, just wait for the bad pilot to crash.

3) Unacceptable, if you carn't get out of the hole, nade yourself.

4) Unacceptable, Ive seen this happen, I would class it as e-peen bullying.

5) Unacceptable.

6) Unacceptable.

7) To be expected, Im sure there is plenty of that in real War.

8) Unacceptable, Use a private server with a password if you really need to buddy up.

9) Unacceptable.

10) Fair.

11) Unacceptable.
All I can say is I'm glad I'm not playing with you lot that think at least half of those things are fine! :D And if the OP is posting the list on behalf of his experiences, can I chop off his e-dick with a knife please? I hate people who are so cocky to think they're the "ultimate team".

1) FINE.
2) Who gives a toss if you're the best pilot. Let the other person have a go.
3) I hate glitchers.
4) Why don't you get out of the tank and await the inevitable respawn.
5) Leave them alone!
6) I always use random squad members to spawn on. You may find you need to spawn on them at sometime.
7) FINE. It's an 18 game, isn't it?
8) Stick to your guns, lone squad member and ignore the ranting. There are plenty of other servers for them to play on.
9) That's the worst thing anyone can do. But grit your teeth, get stuck in and show the git that you can still win the game. He'll soon get bored.
10) Hmm, as this is an objective based game, I always put that above any kills.
11) Boring.
they all seems like "willy moves" if you did any of them. maybe not in 7 but treat others with some respect and not take it game so seriously to swear and you find you enjoy the game abit more

As for a "ultimate team" thing go join clan imo , eveybody should have a chance to have some fun in a tank or what not , not very good or not in a game filled with randoms
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Just remember that not all people are as good at this game as others.

Quite frankly I find a lot of these comments snobby and elitist not to mention very intimidating to newer players and people who genuinely want to get better but usually end up padding elite players stats to their amusement.
1) Sneaking into their base, taking their helicopter, flying it back to somewhere obscure and just sitting like a plum in it.

A sensible tactic I think... a bit lame but its easy enough to kill it with a UAV. The enemy team could quite easily nick your team's tanks/helicopters anyway

2) You are the best pilot on your team. Someone else is going to beat you to the helicopter, so you rocket it and blow it up before they get in, so they wander elsewhere (in a strop) and you get the new spawned heli. The team enjoys your super-duper helicopter skilz!

Lame... the other person will never get any good if you just take the helicopter all the time. It doesn't take long to get half decent with the helicopter anyway.

3) You've found a spot where you can sit and snipe for an entire round, and DUE TO A BUG no-one can shoot you back as you've kind of half-dropped through the ground! Your score is mental. You're impossible to be killed. People on the opposition are leaving the server.

Kind of lame but to be honest, I'd probably take advantage of it for a bit before getting bored.

4) You and your mate make the ULTIMATE tank team. You grabbed the tank but then someone else entirely,from your team , jumped in the gunners seat. You ask him to politely get out but he won't. So ok, if he's being difficult you will, you just sit in the tank, in your base, doing nothing. You'll try and bore him out of the tank so you and your mate can go and have your kicks ..

Kind of lame... especially if the other guy is in your squad

5) FF is ON. Nooby sniper lying in useless position hitting no-one. No matter what you say about him moving forward he sits like a plum making rubbish potshots at the enemy doing your team no good at all. Teach him a lesson with a bullet to the head?

No way... let him snipe

6) You are squad leader. You order 'attack A'. 2 of your squad ignore you and attack 'B'! They're definately only using your squad as a 'forward spawning point' they are ignoring ALL orders. Booted from squad?

People rarely follow orders

7) Someone uses harsh swear words on chat to someone else. Boot? Or to be expected, fair enough?

The game is completely filled with swear words anyway... just the passing comments the characters make.

8) A person is screaming abuse at a player over chat for 10 minutes, demanding he leave so that 'my friend can join so we can form the ultimate squad as the server is full at the moment'. It seems they've picked a random bloke, and are trying to harass him out of the server so their ultimate squad can rule! The bloke they picked always likes going 'rambo' rather then doing anything team coordinated ..

Very lame. Let the noob enjoy the game... even if he is a noob. Don't abuse people

9) Whatever your team does, one of your team members 'global chats' it to the enemy just for the lolz. 'They are all going for point A', 'Their helicopter has just spawned I'll bring it to your base don't shoot me down you can have it' etc. ..

He's an idiot...

10) Your team could at any time blow up the last remaining point, but is so enjoying killing the opposition so much it doesn't bother doing it, rather just sitting having total control of the map, killing you all repeatedly for the points and the lolz.

Fair enough... slightly annoying maybe but seems reasonable enough

11) members on opposition team, 3. Members on your team, 24. Marvellous?

Wow... never seen it this unbalanced before. Before I was playing a game about 4 vs 10 and I just asked some of the opposing team to switch, and a squad did. If you are playing with some decent players, just get a load of the team to switch, or if they won't, I'd probably leave the game.
1. Fine
2. Fine, but lame
3. Not fine
4. Fine
5. Fine, but lame
6. Fine
7. Fine
8. Fine (welcome to the internet)
9. See #8
10. Fine
11. Fine, switch team

OK . 'fine' or 'not fine' ..

1) Sneaking into their base, taking their helicopter, flying it back to somewhere obscure and just sitting like a plum in it.

Not fine - if you do this you have a small penis.

2) You are the best pilot on your team. Someone else is going to beat you to the helicopter, so you rocket it and blow it up before they get in, so they wander elsewhere (in a strop) and you get the new spawned heli. The team enjoys your super-duper helicopter skilz!

Not fine - the game's there for everyone's enjoyment and you shouldn't prevent others from playing.

3) You've found a spot where you can sit and snipe for an entire round, and DUE TO A BUG no-one can shoot you back as you've kind of half-dropped through the ground! Your score is mental. You're impossible to be killed. People on the opposition are leaving the server.

Not fine - would never do this.

4) You and your mate make the ULTIMATE tank team. You grabbed the tank but then someone else entirely,from your team , jumped in the gunners seat. You ask him to politely get out but he won't. So ok, if he's being difficult you will, you just sit in the tank, in your base, doing nothing. You'll try and bore him out of the tank so you and your mate can go and have your kicks ..

Not fine - I'd just bomb around killing things until he gets out/gets killed

5) FF is ON. Nooby sniper lying in useless position hitting no-one. No matter what you say about him moving forward he sits like a plum making rubbish potshots at the enemy doing your team no good at all. Teach him a lesson with a bullet to the head?

Not fine - leave him be, he'll learn eventually.

6) You are squad leader. You order 'attack A'. 2 of your squad ignore you and attack 'B'! They're definately only using your squad as a 'forward spawning point' they are ignoring ALL orders. Booted from squad?

Fine - wouldn't boot unless it's a proper clan match or something.

7) Someone uses harsh swear words on chat to someone else. Boot? Or to be expected, fair enough?

Not fine - Warning, and boot if it happens again.

8) A person is screaming abuse at a player over chat for 10 minutes, demanding he leave so that 'my friend can join so we can form the ultimate squad as the server is full at the moment'. It seems they've picked a random bloke, and are trying to harass him out of the server so their ultimate squad can rule! The bloke they picked always likes going 'rambo' rather then doing anything team coordinated ..

Not fine - Get him kicked.

9) Whatever your team does, one of your team members 'global chats' it to the enemy just for the lolz. 'They are all going for point A', 'Their helicopter has just spawned I'll bring it to your base don't shoot me down you can have it' etc. ..

Not fine - Get him kicked.

10) Your team could at any time blow up the last remaining point, but is so enjoying killing the opposition so much it doesn't bother doing it, rather just sitting having total control of the map, killing you all repeatedly for the points and the lolz.


11) members on opposition team, 3. Members on your team, 24. Marvellous?

Not fine. But I wouldn't want to swap sides and take the loss!
god i h8 1337 children ...sounds like the things a 8 year old would do .....after a hard day at work its nice to relax and blow up some friends for a few hours .....just my thoughts ...
5, 8 and 9 are not fine imo. Anything else is fine. The games a game at the end of the day.

5 - not fine as he's trying to have fun, just hasn't got the hang of it yet.

8 - not fine, his mate should have been there earlier, why can't he come out and wait with his mate for a new game?

9 - not fine, kick him, it's part of the game to have two teams and the opposition shouldn't know what your team's doing
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