I 100% agree with Scrutinize and something I didn't pick up on.
Basically a human male uses around 2200 calories a day so doing normal stuff and eating 2200 calories should keep you at the same weight (I unfortunately have a calorie burn rate of 1200).
This means you have to either cut down your calories or find some way to burn 1300 calories a day
and even if you do that you will stay at exactly the same weight if you still eat the same amount (on average).
Also cycling, as pointed out by Scrutinize, is one of the hardest things to do to lose weight unless you are doing many miles.
For instance a Triathlon is worked out so all 3 disciplines put in the same amount of work so 2.5 mile swim, 26.2 mile run and 120 mile cycling (or thereabouts) which means you have to do roughly 5x the distance on a bike you would do running.
Just getting on a bike and riding will get you fit but not necessarily make you lose weight, I'm still a fat ******* and so are a lot of fit cyclists & runners I know.
Running also, I did the majority of my marathons/half marathons 3 stone overweight which means I was still putting more calories in than taking out.
Also the type of exercise you do, to lose weight you really need to do aerobic exercise which means for me I have to walk briskly but if I run I end up in my anaerobic zone and build more muscle which is heavier.
It's not easy.
No doubt somebody will come along and pick holes in all the above but I've had this stuff told me over the years and experienced it.