Bike insurance

24 Aug 2009
Hello lads, i'm 16 currently (17 in Oct) and i'm looking into getting a bike. I am going to send off for my provisional on Monday which will let me do my cbt test :)

However, i've been looking in the market for 50cc bikes, geared bikes. I think i'm going for the Aprilia rx 50 as im 6ft 1 and dad says I would be to tall for the rs 50.

My question is, since im diabetic (type 1), will my insurance go up do you think? I control my diabities very well, just wondering if anyone has come accross this situation?


I want a bike because I was brought up into bikes and cars, but I would rather have a bike. My plan is to get a 50cc, then a 125cc when im 17, and when I reach about 19, get a car as the insurance would have gone down :)
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Sorry, I ment type 1, I inject twice a day, no tablets :p He experienced 30% increase, wow. Thats quite a lot. I know a friend that pays £706 a year for his rx 50, he lives in another post code but its 2 mile difference and thats just for 3rd party and theft! looks like im looking to pay just under £1k a year :(
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