Bike nicked

19 Jul 2005
S. Yorkshire
Got back to the spot I parked my bike this morning to find it missing.:(

Spoke to campus security and they have clear footage at 13:20 today of two scrotes hanging around it then riding off on it. My disc lock was of no help it seems.
Police have taken the details but it is so very obviously low (i.e. no) priority despite the bike having been seen a couple of hours later riding around the city centre.

Gutted, and especially so knowing that I'll get a pittance back on insurance and will have a long drawn out fight for even that.
I don't know. I may eventually get the CCTV but it probably wont have the detail to show me how they did it.
Well I'll be jiggered! Just got a call to say the bike has been recovered and the police have 3 in custody. Bike has been recovered and is awaiting forensic testing before it is released.

Anyone got any idea of police recovery and storage costs or how this tpft claim is likely to run?

Do the police release it to me to get repair quotes or does insurance handle that side of it?
Spoke to someone at the recovery yard and I think the bike will be written off. Still not released as the forensics won't happen until tomorrow at the earliest.
Seems to be panel damage to all panels, screen has been snapped off, side stand snapped off plus ignition damage.
On a 24 year old bike valued at £1500 I can't see it being repairable, for no other reason than parts are like hens teeth.
On the plus side they don't think the back box was opened so my lid, jacket and gloves should still be there.

Another question, on a TPFT claim as my kit isn't covered on the policy, if the bike is written off am I entitled to have that kit back?
The bike is valued (by me) to be worth £1500. Excess is £200.
Fag packet estimate for repairs is north of £900 using aftermarket/2nd hand parts and includes no labour or painting of mismatched panels. That said, I will really struggle to get panels at all.

I can't see how it is viable to keep.
Well I got to the recovery yard today with permission to retrieve my backbox.
Great news in that it was intact, with all the contents present!
Also found the damage was not as bad as expected, so the bike is off to be repaired hopefully.
I further got confirmation that all forensic testing, recovery and storage charges are paid by the insurer, not me.

So far, so good!
No further forward despite numerous phone calls to the damage assessment company - 4th-Dimension.
I've just made a complaint to the Claims Director there but can't believe how slowly this all moves...
Well the bike has been written off. I'm not going to buy it back as I don't particularly want to see the bike again, I'd never be able to trust it again.

Now the haggling over settlement values can begin.

Any tips for not getting screwed over other than looking for similar examples on ebay, autotrader etc?
Well the scrote who stole it was in court yesterday.
He has an extensive list of previous similar convictions and showed zero remorse.

His sentence? 80 hours community service and an £80 fine, £60 of which was a 'Victim Surcharge', none of which comes my way and in essence I pay regardless as he's on benefits and will be having it stopped from his 'wage'.

Entirely depressing.

Oh, and to add insult to injury I still haven't been paid out from the theft.
The recovery/repairs agent (4th Dimensions) have consistently dragged their feet at every step of the process. Since October they have 'apparently' been trying to get the police report on the theft. I have a formal complaint lodged with the insurer and will today be escalating to the ombudsman if I don't get the promised callback today from the insurer with some news.
Well, after having a bit of a rant at the insurer and notifying them that I'm contacting the ombudsman today I have had a final settlement of full value plus a guarantee that it will be paid by the close of business tomorrow. I should have ranted sooner...
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