Bikers Youtube thread

Have been watching RidingWithTom videos for a while as they're really good; learnt recently that Seb aka MotoFrogger who featured in a lot of his videos recently died in a bike crash at the weekend :(

Yeah, into a tree apparently. It would be nice to know the circumstances, I.e. If he was going fast, then it becomes more understandable. If it was an oil slick or something out of his control then it makes you stop and think...
There was anything super-dangerous until 5:30 when he overtook on the blind crest. Everything prior to that was reckless fast riding.

He almost lost it at 6:05. First time I saw the speedo and over a ton on a road like that! Then at 95mph past that junction with a car ready to pull out :eek:
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Remember the vids I promised from my Europe trip last year? Well, still not got round to finishing them haha.

I'll hopefully finish off the stabilisations and stuffs in the next few weeks.
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