Billion 7800N -early thoughts

17 Jan 2003
We moved to a rural location in March and Broadband with a Belkin N router provided an unreliable 0.7Mbit. The BT 2700HGV and Netgear DG834GT were both supposed to be good on long lines so these were acquired.

In the meantime the bell wire was removed, a crackling on the line traced to an external fault (loose cover on a pole box), the screw terminals were replaced with gel crimps in the junction box and the ageing master socket swapped for a NTE200 with filtered faceplate.

With either router this gave a sync of around 2.2 to 2.6 meg but still with drop outs. Overall I preferred the Netgear only because it gave so much information to programs like Routerstats or Tone. I did try the DGteam firmware but went back.

The reliability was a little frustrating so I started to consider the Billion which arrived yesterday

It was very quick and easy to setup. The wireless range is excellent.

The initial sync was 200k lower than the Netgear - the attenuation went up to 63db from 57db. However I then dropped the SNR to 9db with a sync of 2720 and it has remained rock solid since.

I have also enabled the Phyre option and there are less errors

Configuration to a local webserver requires a firewall rule and a port forwarding rule (not obvious)

Why do you have to look up a bizarre value in a table to adjust the target SNR ?

Stats on the web interface are very poor it just says Errs - which are 0. The ADSL info --stats command on the telnet interfaces gives all the usual suspects in detail

Like the Netgear which gets silly hot the Billion has been raised to allow air underneath - why do manufacturers put those sill little feet on ?

The Billion works with RouterstatsLite and am seeing if I can persuade Routerstats to work.

So at the moment I have a very good sync speed which seems very reliable

I will adjust it slightly to get just over 2848 because those silly silly people at BT give you an extra 0.5M.

I'll post some thoughts in a week
Cheers for the info dsims ,.. Id try dropping the SNR to 6db and see how you get on, it should get you to the next brass profile. (I run 3 db ).

Good to hear RouterStats works with the 7800N
Great post david cheers for all the info. I'm really tempted to give this a whirl as im on a bad line with an attenuation of 63db my current downstream is 2707kbps and upstream is 604kbps with a noise margin of 7.0 which is skys sweet spot im led to believe.

Did you find it easy to setup and how easy did you find it to ajust the SNR margin? Im with sky at the mo and im on an MER connection which is a little different from the PPOA used by a lot of ISP's. Will the downstream automatically increase a little once the SNR is reduced?

Thanks again matey im slowly trying to learn my way around routers :)
Definitely going to be keeping an eye on this thread dmsims - your circumstances are quite similar to mine!

From what I gather you're on the master socket now but have you tried connecting through any of your extensions? Just like to know out of interest really :)

Keep us posted!
7800N has

Gigabit LAN ports
EWAN port
IPv6 Support
Better firmware
Better QoS
Detachable antennas
Third antenna
Different Wireless Chipset
7800N has Ralink wireless, whereas the 7700N has Broadcom.
Bigger NAT table
VPN & other features
7800N has

Gigabit LAN ports
EWAN port
IPv6 Support
Better firmware
Better QoS
Detachable antennas
Third antenna
Different Wireless Chipset
7800N has Ralink wireless, whereas the 7700N has Broadcom.
Bigger NAT table
VPN & other features
Generally better all round then :p

Cheers mate - is your connection still going strong? Can I ask what the gui is like in comparision to say, netgear or linksys?
I'll also be watching this thread as the circumstances are very similar to mine. I'm currently using a DG834GT and am hovering around the 2500k BRAS profile.

The fact that the Billion 7800N also has Gigabit Ethernet is also tempting. How many LAN ports does it have? I currently use about 6.
I'll also be watching this thread as the circumstances are very similar to mine. I'm currently using a DG834GT and am hovering around the 2500k BRAS profile.

The fact that the Billion 7800N also has Gigabit Ethernet is also tempting. How many LAN ports does it have? I currently use about 6.
The billion has 4 ports iirc? You could get one and use the 834gt as a switch :)
Generally better all round then :p
Cheers mate - is your connection still going strong? Can I ask what the gui is like in comparision to say, netgear or linksys?

It's very early days but all is good. I'm not messing around too much at the moment - you know what it's like - one bad sync and it will be modem speeds!

The gui is very straightforward can't say it's anything to get excited over - compared to the Netgear I have no preference and it does the job
I've had a 7800 for a few months now and love it. Firmware updates a pretty quick a coming out also, it's the only one I could find with a better chipset than the dg834 v4 it was replacing and is a very reliable box.
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David are you on an MER connection with sky? I just want to make sure this router is compat with that type of connection as thats what they seem to be rolling out for new customers like myself instead of the pppoa connection
It's very early days but all is good. I'm not messing around too much at the moment - you know what it's like - one bad sync and it will be modem speeds!

The gui is very straightforward can't say it's anything to get excited over - compared to the Netgear I have no preference and it does the job
Still going strong?
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