BioShock sound completely ******

15 Nov 2006
Didn't post in other thread because of spoilers.

Anyone else got some sounds cutting out? Such as machine gun sounds cutting out including the shotgun too.

Plus sometimes I hear random bullets and the sound of bullets hitting the walls when in fact it's nowhere near me.

Anyone else got the same thing? Running in 5.1 it's like the game ain't got enough channels. :confused:
There are some surround issues i think, but i think its how ive got it set up.

Ive got Z5500s. Ive got the actual game using the Dolby Pro Logic rather than 5.1

But i still get the bullet ricochet loudness youve experienced when it can be on the other side of the wall that the bullets are hitting.
Yes I get it sometimes. Setting the game in compatibility mode Windows XP SP2 helps with it oddly enough and it will still run DX10 if you are.
Yep, i get it now and then too. assumed it was just creatives crap drivers. A patch is coming soon so maybe this will be sorted.
I got sound problems with EAX on, can only get game sounds with EAX and set to Stereo, but it cracks and pops and some sounds you cant hear, so i just set it to 5.1 (which i have) and EAX off, and its perfect.
Didn't post in other thread because of spoilers.

Anyone else got some sounds cutting out? Such as machine gun sounds cutting out including the shotgun too.

Plus sometimes I hear random bullets and the sound of bullets hitting the walls when in fact it's nowhere near me.

Anyone else got the same thing? Running in 5.1 it's like the game ain't got enough channels. :confused:

Yeah I'm getting this too. Usually when security turrets open fire, all other sounds cut out and the sound gets very "choppy" for a few moments with lots of ricochet noises etc. Hope this gets sorted on a patch :D
yeah getting problems here also, not hearing the voices and some of the effect sounds are missing.
I seem to have quite a common problem, and this is with the demo not the full game.

There is sound in the intro and the plane crash movie but as soon as i hit the water the sound cuts out completely. Nothing. Really hindering my experience as you can imagine.

Running Vista 64. I've seen quite a lot of the same complaints around the net, but the response of "run it in compatibility mode" don't help.
Occasionally my sound gets stuck in a loop - mostly when im listening to a diary or when Atlas is talking. A couple of time when experiencing this (when it got really bad), i got an ATI popup - 'VPU has stopped responding to commands' or something. So i figured the sound problems were graphics related.

I have since update my drivers, overclocked the card and turned off reflections and it happens very rarely now. (XP Sp2)

But i have installed this on to another computer with Vista with onboard Realtek HD and i get no sound in game - sound for menu and fmv's and nothing else.

Is there any way of getting Bioshock to run in Compatibility mode via Steam?
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