Bird Flu :(

In other news, the UK government bought 2 million doses of the new bird flu vaccine.

A prototype vaccine created already and avalible in the uk, I dont see why everyone is scaremongering, it hasnt even been confirmed as h5n1.
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el_dazza said:
isnt the only way you can get bird flu, is by sniffing bird poo?
what on earth were those people who got it thinking? :eek:

You mean snorting bird poo? lmao they probally smoke it in Thailand.
Nelly said:
You mean snorting bird poo? lmao they probally smoke it in Thailand.
:o .. free coke... no way... must resist temptation.. hang on a sec.. thats not co.. *thud*

mm... wallies. :cool:
Bird flu has been around in britain for ages... and i have proof...

Berserker said:
We're OK for another few months, but we have 6th June 2006, 6:06:06 to look forward to, so you're right.

We're all Doomed!!!

YEs but until 6 minutes and 6 seconds past 6 in the morning of 06-06-06, until then we're fine :D
bird flu has been spotted in this country since november and nobody died or got infected, so i believe that not lots of people can get sick in europe , if any. Conditions in asia must be far different than here.
Can't go though life worrying about how we are going to die.

If it's my fate that I shall die from Avian flu, a meteor or any other of mother natures challenges. . then so be it. What's important is that I enjoy life while I have it.

If I die as part of a Mass Extinction Event, then at least I’ll be a part of history and won't have to ring Ticket Master for tickets! LOL
It would be much better if it had a more threataning name, we should call it Jack Bauer or something. Mind you then it would kill everyone who got it.


Jack Bauer wasn't born, he was unleashed.
clv101 said:
Tell that to the 100+ people already dead or the 20 million people that died from bird flu in 1918.

i would, but they're dead...i dont think it'd achieve much.
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